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President Trump has sacked the country's top law enforcement official.
Mr. Trump repeatedly attacked his Attorney General Jeff Sessions since he stood aside last year from overseeing Robert Muller's Russia investigation.
去年 司法部长杰夫·赛辛斯回避监督罗伯特·穆勒对俄罗斯事宜的调查 引来了特朗普的反复攻击
A CNN reporter who was described by Donald Trump as a rude terrible person has had his press credentials for the White House suspended.
一名CNN记者被唐纳德·特朗普称为没礼貌的讨厌的人 该记者的白宫通行证已被取消
The White House press secretary said Jim Acosta had placed his hand on a female intern.
But Acosta said that was a lie.
Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi whose death sentence for blasphemy was overturned last week has been released from jail.
上周 巴基斯坦基督教徒阿西亚·比比因亵渎神明被判处死刑的裁决已被推翻 现在她已从监狱获释
Some reports say she boarded a plane but a government spokesman denied she had left the country.
有报道称她登上了一架飞机 但一名政府发言人表示她并没有离开巴基斯坦
Some of the 78 schoolchildren abducted in Cameroon have been reunited with their parents two days after being kidnapped.
喀麦隆有78名学生被绑架 其中一部分在被绑架两天后已经与父母重聚
Government said that they had been held by Anglophone separatists.
The rebels though have denied any involvement.