日期:2019-05-13 12:50


"I will lead the attack myself, if it please you. As my reward I would ask that you grant me Casterly Rock for my own seat, once we have taken it from the Lannisters." With the Rock, he could hold Lannisport and the golden lands of the west. It would mean wealth and power such as House Greyjoy had never known.
You reward yourself handsomely for a notion and a few lines of scribbling. His father read the letter again. "The pup says nothing about a reward. Only that you speak for him, and I am to listen, and give him my sails and swords, and in return he will give me a crown." His flinty eyes lifted to meet his son's. "He will give me a crown," he repeated, his voice growing sharp.

A poor choice of words, what is meant is—
What is meant is what is said. The boy will give me a crown. And what is given can be taken away. Lord Balon tossed the letter onto the brazier, atop the necklace. The parchment curled, blackened, and took flame.
Theon was aghast. "Have you gone mad?"
His father laid a stinging backhand across his cheek. "Mind your tongue. You are not in Winterfell now, and I am not Robb the Boy, that you should speak to me so.
