That is not ground the Democrats will easily cede.
然而,在这件事上民主党是不会轻易放弃的 。
After months of distracting talk about the Mueller report and impeachment,
they are pushing hard to pivot toward the issues that helped elect them —
not just health care, but also bigger pay checks and cleaner government.
这些问题不仅包括医疗保健,还有提高工资以及还民众一个“干净的政府”等问题 。
On Wednesday, the House will vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act,
which would amend a 1963 law to make it easier for women to challenge pay discrimination.
该法案修订了1963年的一项方便女性反抗薪酬歧视的法案 。
"The focus from the media has been all over Mueller, Russia and so forth,"
said Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, a close ally of Ms.Pelosi.
佩洛西的亲密盟友、康涅狄格州众议员罗莎·德劳罗表示 。
"Day in and day out, literally 24 hours a day.
“日复一日,而且基本上一天24小时都是这样 。
But lest you think that is the only thing that members are focused on, that's wrong."
但如果你认为这些问题是议员们唯一重视的问题,那你就错了 。”
At a closed-door meeting of House Democrats Tuesday morning,
Ms. Pelosi praised Ms. DeLauro's pay equity legislation
and urged her fellow Democrats to "stay focused" on issues that matter to most people, not Washington partisans.
还敦促其民主党同僚“继续将注意力集中”在对大多数人、而不是只对华盛顿党派人士重要的问题上 。
At his regular weekly news conference,
Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the Democratic Caucus chairman, studiously avoided the Mueller inquiry
as he talked up the "For the People" agenda that they notionally campaigned on.
民主党党团会议主席、纽约州众议员哈基姆·杰弗里斯刻意回避了穆勒的调查 。
"Nowhere in the For the People agenda does it talk about Russia," he said.
“‘为人们服务’议程中根本就没有提到俄罗斯,”他说 。
"Nowhere in the For the People agenda does it talk about collusion;
nowhere in the For the People agenda does it talk about obstruction of justice."
或者妨碍司法公正的问题 。”
Instead, Mr. Jeffries attacked Republicans for "launching an assault on health care in the United States of America."
杰弗里斯还以“共和党人对美利坚合众国的医疗保健发起了攻击”为由,对其发起了攻击 。
In the nine years since it was signed by President Barack Obama,
the Affordable Care Act has become deeply ingrained in the nation's health care system.
该法案已经在美国的医疗体系中逐渐扎稳了根基 。
It revamped the way Medicare pays doctors, hospitals and other health care providers.
不仅改进了医疗保险支付医生、医院和其他医疗服务提供者的方式 。
It unleashed innovation in the delivery of health care.
还释放了落实卫生保健方面的创新活力 。
Since its passage, the health insurance industry has invented a new business model
selling coverage to anyone who applies, regardless of any pre-existing conditions.
对所有申请购买保险的人出售保险,不管他们之前有怎样的伤病史 。
The law also includes dozens of other less known provisions.
该法案还包括许多不太为人所知的条款 。
Chain restaurants are now required to print nutrition labeling and calorie counts on standard menu items.
比如,连锁餐厅要在标准菜单上标注营养标签和卡路里水平 。
Certain employers must now provide "reasonable break time" and a private space for nursing mothers to pump breast milk.
部分工作单位必须提供“合理的休息时间”,并为哺乳的母亲提供挤母乳的私密空间 。
The law also improved prescription drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries,
and created a new pathway for the approval of less expensive versions of advanced "biologic" medicines made from living cells.
并为用活细胞制成的更便宜的高级“生物”药物的批准开辟了一条新的通道 。
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1. pivot toward(s) 转向
The company is pivoting towards mobile and away from social media.
该企业正从社交媒体转向移动端 。
2. talk up sth. 大谈;宣扬;吹捧
And some in the Defense Department talk up the 'China threat' to justify greater spending on new weapons systems.
国防部一些人士则大谈“中国威胁”,以此为由要求加大在新的武器系统上的开支 。
3. launch an assault on 对……发起攻击
But they are expected to launch an assault on the European marketplace.
但预计他们将对欧洲市场发起一轮攻势 。
4. in the delivery of 履行;落实
The team is supported by and maintains close cooperation with other relevant departments of WHO in the delivery of this function.
在履行这一职能上,团队得到了世卫组织其他相关部门的支持和密切配合 。