He doesn’t want to inflate expectations for Salinger fans by describing the contents,
beyond confirming that his father did continue to write about the Glass family —
the precocious cosmopolitans who feature in beloved stories like “Franny and Zooey” and “Seymour: An Introduction” — among other subjects.
《弗兰妮与祖伊》、《西摩:小传》等深受读者喜爱的故事描绘的那一群少年老成的都市人——的故事,不过还写了一些别的话题 。
“He would want people to come to it with no preconceptions,” Mr. Salinger said.
小塞林格说,“他不希望人们带着先入之见看他的书 。”
“I wanted people to know that, yes, he did keep writing, there’s a lot of material, and yes, it will be published.”
“我希望大家明白,是的,他一直在写作,有很多书稿,是的,这些书稿也都会和大家见面 。”
A film producer and actor who played Captain America in a 1990 action film that was never released in U.S. theaters,
Mr. Salinger, 59, is to some degree an unlikely representative for a reclusive literary icon.
从某种程度上说,现年59岁的小塞林格不像是一个避世隐居的文学偶像的代言人 。
He now has to fend off people his father called “wanters” —
fans and journalists who hounded Salinger for an interview, an autograph, a photo, another book.
那些追着塞林格要采访、要签名、要照片或要新作的粉丝,记者 。
These days, the wanters come to the author’s son, seeking permission for film adaptations, plays, Salinger tote bags.
今日,这些伸手党将目光转向了作者的儿子,企图从他那里获取改编电影、戏剧或是制作纪念手袋的许可 。
(Mr. Salinger said he is firmly opposed to screen adaptations and nixed the tote-bag idea.)
(小塞林格说,他坚决反对将父亲的作品改编成电影,制作手袋的想法也被他否决了 。)
He has agonized over some of these new initiatives,
torn between wanting to honor his father’s desire for privacy and control, and wanting the books to reach a wider audience.
一方面,他想尊重父亲对隐私和掌控自己的生活的渴望,另一方面,他也想让父亲的作品走向更多的读者 。
There are signs that Salinger’s profound influence on generations of American writers and readers may be waning.
有迹象表明,此前,塞林格影响了一代又一代美国作家和读者,如今,这一影响力或已开始日薄西山 。
In an essay published in The Guardian earlier this month,
the novelist Dana Czapnik wrote of students and teachers who aren’t as enamored of Holden Caulfield,
the phony-hating protagonist of “The Catcher in the Rye,” as previous generations,
and an Electric Literature article published last year suggested “alternatives and supplements” to the book by female and nonwhite authors.
去年,“电子文学”发表的一篇文章就推荐了一些出自女性作家和非白人作家之手,可“替代和补充”此书的作品 。
While he rarely gives interviews, Mr. Salinger has opened up more about his father recently.
虽然小塞林格很少接受采访,但他最近还是透露了更多有关他父亲的信息 。
He felt compelled, he said, to counter the claims in a 2013 documentary and a tie-in book by David Shields and Shane Salerno,
which caused a stir with the revelation that Salinger had left behind five unpublished works,
along with instructions to publish them between 2015 and 2020.
还吩咐小塞林格于2015年至2020年将其付印,此时还引起了不小的轰动 。
“So much in that book and that movie were utter fiction, and bad fiction,” said Mr. Salinger,
“那本书和那部电影里的很多东西都是彻头彻尾虚构出来的,虚构的水平也不怎么样,”塞林格说 。
who noted that his father “encouraged us to take our time” and didn’t give a timeline for publication.
他还指出,他的父亲“鼓励我们慢慢来”,而且并没有给出出版的时间表 。
Mr. Salerno said that the book and film were based on nearly a decade of research, and were legally vetted.
萨莱诺则表示,书和电影都是在近十年的研究基础上创作出来的,也都通过了法律审查 。
He added that he felt vindicated by Mr. Salinger’s recent statements that the writer’s unpublished works will be released in coming years.
他还说,小塞林格最近的声明恰好证实了他的观点,即老塞林格未发表的作品将在未来几年与公众见面 。
“Matt Salinger finally confirmed to the world that what I wrote back in 2013 was true,
and that more than 40 years of his father’s writing would be published,”
Mr. Salerno said in a statement to The New York Times.
萨莱诺在给本刊的一份声明中写道 。
For now, the contents of J. D. Salinger’s archives remain a closely held secret.
目前,J. D. 塞林格档案的内容仍属高度机密 。
His unpublished work sits in a secure storage facility between his son’s home in Connecticut
and the New Hampshire home of the Salinger Trust’s other trustee, Salinger’s widow, Colleen Salinger.
和塞林格文学信托基金的另一位受托人——塞林格的遗孀科琳·塞林格位于新罕布什尔州的家的保险室里 。
(She declined to comment for this article.)
(后者拒绝为本文置评 。)
Matt Salinger has been preparing the unreleased work for publication since 2012.
自2012年以来,马特·塞林格一直在筹备塞林格其他作品的出版事宜 。
He sometimes found himself getting lost in the files, entranced by his father’s voice.
有时,他感觉自己被父亲的声音迷住,迷失在了茫茫文档之中 。
“Everything’s a rabbit hole,” he said.
“他写的每样东西都是一个兔子窝,”他说 。
Creating digital files has been daunting, he said,
because he has not been able to find reliable optical-recognition software to convert the handwritten pages into electronic text,
so he types the material himself.
他只能手动输入 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1. expectations for sb. 对某人的期望
China has high expectation for an enduring relationship of cooperation and friendship.
中国对和澳大利亚发展长期的友好合作关系抱有很高期望 。
2. fend off 躲开;避开
The oil companies are trying to fend off criticism from the president.
石油公司正努力避开总统的指责 。
3. agonize over sth. 因为……而烦恼/痛苦
We agonize over the decision, but sometimes agonizing does not help. Sometimes we must simply choose.
我们为做决定苦苦思索,但有时这样的权衡并无益处 。有时,我们就应该跟着直觉走 。
4. entranced by 被……迷住
He was entranced by her appearance and could not take his eyes off her.
他为她迷人的外表而倾倒,眼光一刻也不曾离开她 。