An ice instrument has the purity and the clarity of the heavenly realm.
冰雕乐器有着天国般的纯净和明净 。
It's not of the earth in the way that a wooden instrument would be.
它没有木制乐器那种人间烟火气 。
There's so much potential in ice as an acoustic material.
冰作为一种声学材料有着巨大的潜力 。
My name is Tim Linhart, and I am the founder of ice music.
我是提姆·林哈特,是“冰雪音乐”的创始人 。
Ice music is the music that we make on this orchestra of ice instruments.
“冰雪音乐”是我们用这些冰雕乐器演奏的音乐 。
The idea first came to me about 21 years ago.
我第一次想到这个主意是在21年前 。
I was an ice sculptor for many years.
我做了很多年的冰雕 。
Decided one of my sculptures I'd like to build a giant violin.
当时,我灵机一动,便想雕一个巨大的小提琴 。
And I had a friend who was building guitars and he just asked the question:
Gee, I wonder how that one's gonna sound?
And that question has swallowed much of the rest of my life.
从那以后,我的生活基本上就都在围绕这个问题转了 。
The instruments are made of white ice, which is a mixture of snow and water.
我们的乐器都是由雪和水的混合物——白冰制成的 。
It's filled with snowflakes and air bubbles and all kind of different things going on.
里面充满了雪花,气泡,还有各种各样的东西 。
To make a single instrument, a violin, or viola here, the ice part takes about five or six days.
雕一件乐器,比如一把小提琴,或者是后面这种中提琴,凿冰的环节一般需要5~6天的时间 。
I can probably build the whole orchestra, here, in about seven or eight weeks.
雕出一个管弦乐队所用的所有乐器差不多需要7~8周 。
We have violins, violas, cellos, bass, guitars, mandolins, banjos, drums, and xylophone.
我们雕的有小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴、吉他、曼陀林、班卓琴、鼓和木琴 。
Hold, hold, grazie.
保持住,保持住,谢谢大家 。
Ice music is not just classical music or experimental music, it's a wide variety of different things.
冰雪音乐不止是古典音乐或实验音乐,而是各种不同的东西的一个融合 。
This winter we'll put on about 45 concerts.
今年冬天,我们将举办45场左右的音乐会 。
The concert hall has a specific design, it's one giant ice cave.
我们的音乐厅设计也很特别,它是一个巨大的冰洞 。
The igloo, right now, is 10 degrees fahrenheit.
冰屋现在的温度是10度(约-12℃) 。
It's definitely an issue in ice music that people's fingers get cold.
大家的手指会被冻僵,这确实是一个问题啦 。
People play with a variety of different kinds of gloves.
所以大家会戴各种各样的手套 。
Some people play barehanded,
but for me the temperature is, you know, the thing that I really need to make ice music work.
但是对我来说,你知道的,要搞这个冰雪音乐,这种低温就是必不可少的 。
So many people just cannot wrap their brain around a piece of ice making a sound, or a beautiful sound.
很多人根本无法想象一块儿冰能发出怎样的声音,能发出怎样美妙的音乐 。
When they come in to the ice concert hall,
they're just very, very pleasantly surprised and that releases a real, kind of, a high for people.
他们就会感到非常非常惊喜,大家的情绪就会变得非常非常高 。
And then, wow, it's amazing.
就会觉得,“哇,太神奇了” 。