Every night, countless people wake up unable to move,
their minds and bodies in the throes of a real condition called sleep paralysis.
因为他们的意识和身体都处在一种叫“睡眠瘫痪”的状态 。
When triggered, the symptoms are usually mild, from tense muscles, to labored breathing.
进入这种状态时,通常症状都较轻,比如肌肉紧张或呼吸困难 。
But for some, the experience conjures hallucinations that make nightmares come alive.
然而对某些人来说,这种经历产生的幻觉简直就是现实版的噩梦 。
Here are some of their stories.
下面是一些这群人的故事 。
Before I learned to cope with it, I've seen quite a few awful things.
在我学会如何应对这种情况之前,我看到过很可怕的东西 。
Horror films don't really, they don't really do anything for me anymore because what I've seen is more terrifying.
恐怖电影已经,已经吓不着我了,因为我看到的比恐怖电影还要恐怖 。
The earliest I can remember is seeing a figure that looked like my mother sitting on my bed.
最早的一次是我看到有个像我妈妈的人坐在我床上 。
Uh, her face is then morphing into some kind of demon.
嗯……她的脸已经变形了,跟魔鬼似的 。
Another time, a little girl was in the corner just staring at me.
还有一次,我看到一个小女孩在角落里一直盯着我 。
Then without notice, she shrieks and runs up and grabs me by the neck.
然后,她突然尖叫着跑过来掐我的脖子 。
You try to call for help but your voice, it doesn't work and your body won't respond. You just feel helpless.
我想大喊呼救,但就是喊不出声,身体根本没有任何反应,剩下的只有绝望 。
On one particular night, I felt like someone was looking at me from the foot of my bed.
有一天晚上,我感觉有人在床底下看我 。
I knew that nothing was there but I was afraid to open my eyes.
我知道那是假的,但我就是不敢睁开我的眼睛 。
When I did, I saw a woman's head looking straight back at me.
当我睁开以后,我看到一个女人的头眼睁睁地看着我 。
She didn't have a body or even a neck. Just her head.
她没有身子,连脖子也没有,只有头 。
I still remember the smirk she had on her face.
我至今还记得她傻笑的样子 。
I closed my eyes immediately and I was unable to move.
我赶紧闭上眼,因为我动不了 。
When I felt it was safe, I opened my eyes again.
感觉没事以后我又睁开眼 。
She was still there and she began to laugh at me.
她还在那里,还开始嘲笑我 。
I closed my eyes again, hoping she would disappear.
我又把眼睛闭上,希望她会消失 。
Then, I heard this scoff. And she was gone.
接下来我又听到了她的嘲笑声,之后她才消失 。
So, I remember waking up and feeling a presence in the room.
我记得,醒来之后我总感觉房间里有东西 。
And I see this woman in a black dress looming above the floor.
我看见一个穿黑衣服的女人在地板上晃 。
And she kept coming closer and closer to me.
而且离我越来越近 。
I could feel my throat closing and I couldn't breathe.
我感觉我的喉咙越来越紧,感觉无法呼吸 。
As soon as she made it towards me she floated right in front of my face and started screaming.
到了我跟前,她一下子飘到了我面前并开始尖叫 。
I bolted out of my bed and I tried to wake up my parents.
Little did I know, I was still dreaming and I ended up back in my bed in another sleep paralysis experience.
丝毫没有意识到,那个时候我还在做梦,最后我回到床上,又一次睡眠瘫痪了 。
It's something that's so wild and surreal that there's no logic to it.
这种事情实在是太疯狂,太超现实了,简直毫无逻辑可言 。
So if you wake up one day paralyzed by horrific visions, remember to stay calm,
and understand that your nightmares are only as real as you make them.
要知道,只有你让噩梦变得真实,它才会真实 。