Are these golf balls? A science fiction set? An alien invasion?
Nope, this is Bolwoningen, and the only inhabitants here are humans.
都不是,这是“灯泡公寓”,这里唯一的居民是人类 。
Located in the Netherlands, about an hour away from Amsterdam,
are 50 sphere houses made from cement and reinforced with fiberglass.
坐落着由水泥制成并用玻璃纤维加固的50个球形房屋 。
Bolwoningen, which actually translates to bowl, or bulb homes,
was built in 1984 by the Dutch artist and sculptor, Dries Kreijkamp.
是由荷兰艺术家、雕塑家Dries Kreijkamp于1984年修建的 。
It was created and supported by a subsidy from the Dutch government for experimental housing projects.
是荷兰政府资助开发实验性住房项目的成果 。
Inside the houses are three levels: bedrooms on the ground, bathroom on the middle, and a living space on the top.
房屋内部有三层:一层是卧室,二层是浴室,顶层为客厅 。
Although these homes look out of this world, their intention was to bring its inhabitants closer to nature.
尽管这些房屋造型前卫独特,但其设计宗旨是为了让居民更亲近自然 。
The round windows allow views of the outside environment from almost any angle.
有了圆形的窗户,从屋内可以360度无死角欣赏屋外的风景 。
And the complex itself is positioned near a scenic canal.
建筑群坐落在风景秀丽的运河附近 。
The designer passed away in 2014; however, his legacy lives on, as these homes are still lived in today.
该设计师于2014年离世了; 然而,他的遗产尚在,因为这些房屋今天仍然有人居住 。