If you're having trouble finding Mr. or Mrs. Swipe Right,
it might be time to turn to matchmaking's ancient roots, literally.
那你说不定该试试签红线的古老根源,顾名思义,就是牵红线的古树了 。
Because deep in a forest in Germany stands a 600 year-old oak tree that has introduced hundreds of single people.
因为在德国某座森林的深处,就有一棵给无数单身人士牵过红线,树龄高达600岁的老橡树 。
It all began around 1890 when the forest ranger's daughter met a chocolate maker from Leipzig.
故事还要从1890年那会儿说起,当时,这片森林的护林员的女儿遇到了莱比锡的一位巧克力制造商 。
The father did not approve of their relationship.
父亲不赞成两人交往 。
They had to find a way to exchange messages,
so they used a tree about 300 feet away from the forest ranger's office.
他们选中了离护林员办公室300英尺(约合91米)远的地方的一棵树 。
A branch had broken off, forming a hole, and it was there they put their letters.
那棵树断了一根树枝,树干上便留下了一个洞,两人便把信放在那里 。
Once her father learned how they were secretly communicating, he finally approved of their relationship.
当女孩儿的父亲知道两人是如何秘密通信之后,他终于同意让两人交往了 。
They married under the tree on June 2nd, 1891,
after which the tree became known as Bridegroom's Oak.
从那以后,那棵树就成了“新郎橡树” 。
And people still send letters to the tree to this day.
时至今日,依然有人往这棵树寄信 。
But can you truly find a life partner for the price of postage?
No one knows better than Karl-Heinz.
这个问题没有人比卡尔·海因茨更清楚了 。
But there was one letter that caught his eye.
但有一封信引起了他的注意 。