Voice 2: But do we really consider the story behind all the things we buy? Not just food but other items. For example, do you know who made your clothes? Was the person who made them paid a fair price? What are your shoes made from? Are they made from the skin of a rare animal? Many people are starting to think more seriously about these issues.
声音2:但是,我们真的有考虑我们所购买物品的背后故事吗?不只是食物,还有其他商品 。比如你们知道是谁制造了你们的衣服吗?制衣者得到的价格合理吗?你们的鞋是用什么制成的?它们是用稀有动物毛皮制成的吗?许多人开始更加重视这些问题 。
Voice 1: But not everyone has enough money to make these choices. They have to buy what they can with the money they have. Jesus Christ said that people who have much have a greater responsibility. Responsibility comes with power, position and wealth. If those who are able take their responsibilities seriously they can make life better for everyone.
声音1:但并不是所有人都有足够的钱做出这些选择 。他们不得不用仅有的钱购买他们能买到的东西 。耶稣曾说,拥有的越多,责任越大 。责任伴随着权力、职位和财富 。如果那些人能认真对待自己的责任,那他们就能令每个人的生活更加美好 。