Voice 1: So, many people did gather. And not just in London. People organized similar protests in many different countries. Their message was that the world cannot wait - now is the time to act.
声音1:的确有许多人聚集起来 。不只是在伦敦,人们在许多国家组织了类似的抗议活动 。他们想要传达的信息是,世界不能再等待了——现在就是采取行动的时候 。
Voice 2: The former secretary general of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, agrees. Before he left office, he said:
声音2:前联合国秘书长科菲·安南赞同这一信息 。他离任前曾表示:
Voice 5: "In the Millennium Declaration of 2000, world leaders made some big promises. They said that they would make every effort to free men, women and children from the terrible conditions of extreme poverty. But there is a danger here. These leaders have to keep their promises. If they do not, then the biggest world fight against poverty will result in very little change. And people in developing countries will never trust them again. I hope that we will not look back in 2015 and say that we could have tried harder to achieve these goals."
声音5:“在2000年发布的《联合国千年宣言》中,世界领导人做出了一些重大承诺 。他们表示,他们将竭尽全力让男性、女性和儿童摆脱极端贫穷的可怕状况 。但是,这里存在风险 。这些领导人必须遵守承诺 。如果他们不信守承诺,那全世界对抗贫穷的最大规模斗争将以几乎没有改变收场 。而发展中国家的民众永远不会再相信他们 。我希望我们在2015年进行回顾时,不会说:我们在实现这些目标时本来可以更努力,但我们没做到 。”