Voice 1: For many people today, Halloween is a very important time. It is a day to celebrate the people who have lived before us. Many people believe that Halloween started in the Americas. But that is not true!
声音1:现在对许多人来说,万圣节是非常重要的时刻 。这一天是人们庆祝先人的日子 。许多人认为万圣节起源于美国 。但事实并非如此!
Voice 2: Irish settlers brought Halloween traditions to the United States in the middle eighteen hundreds. But Americans did not widely celebrate Halloween until almost one hundred years later - during the early nineteen hundreds. Today, children all across the United States dress up on October thirty-one. They go from door to door demanding candy by saying 'trick or treat.' And some still cause trouble too - just like the ancient Celts celebrating Samhain!
声音2:19世纪中期,爱尔兰定居者将万圣节传统传入美国 。但是当时美国人并没有广泛地庆祝这一节日 。直到近100年之后,也就是20世纪早期时,万圣节才逐渐流行起来 。现在,美国各地的孩童都会在10月31日这天乔装打扮 。他们会挨家挨户地要糖果,还会说“不给糖就捣乱” 。不过还是会有些麻烦发生,就像古凯尔特人庆祝萨温节时一样!