This is BBC World News, the headlines.
As New Zealand mourns the Christchurch attacks, the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has pledged gun law reforms will be announced within 10 days.
新西兰在悼念克赖斯特彻奇袭击事件 总理杰辛达·阿德恩承诺将在十天内宣布枪支法改革
She said the shootings at mosques in which fifty people were killed had highlighted weaknesses in the legislation.
她表示 导致五十人死亡的清真寺袭击暴露了立法体系的弱点
An 18-year-old man has appeared in court in Christchurch charged with distributing footage live streamed by the suspects during the mosque attacks.
一名18岁的男子在克赖斯特彻奇出庭 他被指控传播嫌犯直播的清真寺袭击视频
He was also accused of publishing a photo of one of the mosques online in the days before the shootings with the message target acquired.
他还被指控在枪击案发生之前 在网上发布其中一座清真寺的照片 配有“目标锁定”字样
Police in Serbia have used tear gas against anti-government protesters who surrounded the presidential building in the capital Belgrade.
塞尔维亚的警方使用催泪瓦斯驱赶反政府抗议者 他们包围了首都贝尔格莱德的总统府
Opposition demonstrations have intensified after taking place for a number of months in the Balkan states.
巴尔干半岛诸国的反对派游行已经持续了数月 愈演愈烈
Two people have died in Northern Ireland after reports of a crush at a hotel posting a Saint Patrick's Day event.
媒体报道 北爱尔兰一家酒店在圣帕特里克节期间发生踩踏事件 两人死亡