We are officially in award season.
And you can tell because you can smell the spray tan in the air when--
大家可以判断出来 因为你能闻到空气中的防晒黑喷雾
the bad news is my movie did not get nominated.
Yeah. The good news is I didn't have a movie, so I'm going to let it slide this year.
嗯 好消息是我没做任何电影 所以我今年就顺其自然了
So many great movies out there right now.
I don't know how many you've seen.
I know you people are busy and everything.
So I watched some of them, and I'll tell you what I thought about them and some of my favorites.
所以我看了一些 我要告诉大家我的看法 还有我最喜欢的几部
We'll start with Bird Box. I watched it-- I didn't see it.
首先来说《蒙上你的眼睛》 我看了 我没看见
I had a blindfold on the whole time.
I saw the poster, I thought that's how I was supposed to watch.
我看到了宣传海报 我还以为看电影的时候就得这样呢
So I-- but I did see Birdcage. That came out in 1996.
所以我 不过我看了《鸟笼》 1996年上映的
And boy, that is funny. That really is.
我的天 它太搞笑了 真的
So I definitely recommend that one.
But but make sure you see Bird Box, because that's really good.
但一定要看《蒙上你的眼睛》 因为它也很精彩
Sandra Bullock is in it. She's my friend.
Sandra Bullock主演的 她是我朋友
Another big movie was Black Panther. And-- yeah.
另一部大作是《黑豹》 嗯
This is a very important movie because it reminds us how hot Michael B. Jordan is.
这部电影很重要 它让我想起了Michael B. Jordan有多性感
Also the movie is really good.
And not just because Michael B. Jordan is in it and hot, but because Chadwick Boseman is also very hot, and he's in it.
不光是因为有性感的Michael B. Jordan出演 还因为Chadwick Boseman也很性感 他也参演了
So there's two hot people in it. Here's another big movie-- A Star Is Born.
所以一共有两个性感男神 还有另一部大作 《一个明星的诞生》
And-- yeah. I loved it. But here's the problem-- and maybe I'm just being picky--
嗯 我喜欢 不过有个问题 可能是我太挑剔了
but Lady Gaga is the star, but you never see-- she's not ever born.
但嘎嘎小姐是那个明星 但你却没看到 她没有诞生
She's just automatically an adult when the movie begins.
电影开始 她一出来就是个大人
And she was great, but I wanted to see her as a baby.
她演的很好 不过我想看婴儿时的她
Baby Gaga is what I wanted to see.
But then again, Lady Gaga sings that song, Born This Way.
不过再说一遍 嘎嘎小姐唱了Born This Way(天生如此)这首歌
So maybe she was a born an adult, I don't know.
所以也许她生来就是大人吧 谁知道
Anyway, five stars. And then there's First Man.
总之呢 五星好评 还有《登月第一人》
And this sounds like a movie I would not be into.
But I'll tell you something, Ryan Gosling is in it.
但我跟你说 Ryan Gosling出演了哦
And if you're going to have a first man, he's the one to have.
如果你想找初恋男友 就得他这种的
And also Claire Foy is in it. And she's British in real life.
Claire Foy也出演了 她本人是英国人
But then she does an American accent in the movie.
And I think that's neat. And one of my favorites this year was Vice.
我觉得酷毙了 我今年最喜欢的一部是《副总统》
That was a wonderful movie. Christian Bale won a Golden Globe for it.
这部电影特别好 Christian Bale凭借这部电影获得了金球奖
And a lot of people are saying he's going to win an Oscar.
And he did a great job. He gained 40 pounds.
他演的很好 他增重了40磅
And some say for the movie, but I think it's convenient.
有人说是为了演这部电影 但我觉得这也是个人方便
It was around the holidays, so I don't know.
毕竟是假期前后 不晓得
I'll tell you what his vice is, French fries is what it is.
我告诉你他的坏习惯是什么 爱吃薯条
But see it. Because he's British in real life, and he does an American accent in the movie.
不过要看哦 因为他本人是英国人 他在电影里说的是美音
And as I've already mentioned, neat.
就像我刚说的 酷哎