“They are asking you to put your life on the line and not paying you — it’s ridiculous,”
said Donald Mihalek, 49, a 20-year Secret Service veteran
whose own retirement paperwork has yet to be processed because of the shutdown.
由于政府关门,他的退休文件也还没有得到处理 。
“Morale is a serious issue,”
said Mr. Mihalek, who served on the presidential detail during George W. Bush’s and Barack Obama’s administrations.
曾在乔治·W·布什和巴拉克·奥巴马政府期间担任总统事务助理的米哈雷克也表示 。
“This is an incredibly stressful job that requires your full attention,
and if you are standing there thinking about your mortgage,
or your credit card bills, or the fact that you are burning through your savings,
you are distracted, you not able to give 100 percent.”
你就会分心,就无法全神贯注地做好工作 。”
Financial enforcement is also suffering.
金融执法方面也受到了影响 。
The S.E.C. has about 4,400 full-time employees
and during the shutdown is operating with just a few hundred — most of those tasked “to protect life or property.”
政府停摆期间,继续坚持工作的已经只有几百人了——他们中有大部分人的职责都是“保护生命或财产” 。
The constrained operations means pending investigations in securities violations have ground to a halt,
and there is no one reviewing applications for company stock offerings to raise cash or consider merger and acquisition filings.
意味着没了人审核企业为了募集现金,并购或收购发行股票的申请 。
Defense and corporate lawyers said meetings with potential witnesses in pending investigations have been canceled,
and some companies seeking to raise cash through a stock offering are having to bide their time.
所以,部分寻求通过发行股票筹集现金的公司还得继续等待时机 。
Staff lawyers at the S.E.C. are largely prohibited from responding to emails seeking information or guidance.
证券交易委员会的律师基本上都被禁止回复寻求信息或指导的电子邮件了 。
In the past, the S.E.C. had managed to keep operating during government shutdowns by shifting around money in its budget.
过去,在政府停摆期间,证券交易委员会还能通过挪用预算中的其他资金维持运营 。
But the commission, which has been operating under a hiring freeze for more than a year, is not able to do that this time.
但这次,在招聘冻结的情况下运营了一年多的证券交易委员会,已经做不到了 。
“When I was there, we always had money to be able to operate for a certain period of time,”
said Andrew M. Calamari, a lawyer with Finn Dixon & Herling in Connecticut,
who stepped down as the director of the S.E.C.’s New York office in October 2017.
2017年10月,他辞去了证券交易委员会纽约分会会长一职 。
“I was there for 17 years, and in my time,
we had several shutdowns, and in each case, we continued to operate.”
政府停摆了好几次,但每次我们都能继续运营 。”
The S.E.C. said in a statement that staff “continues to monitor the asset management space,
track market activity and watch for systems issues
or other events that could disrupt the fair and orderly operation of the securities markets.”
以及其他会扰乱证券市场公平有序运行的问题 。”
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1. put one's life on the line 冒着生命危险
It's important to honor the men and women in the military who put their lives on the line every day defending our country.
尊重军人是很重要的,因为他们每天都要冒着生命危险保卫我们的祖国 。
2. ground to a halt 陷入停滞
But since the collapse of the bank that led the funding, construction has almost ground to a halt.
但自从主持为其融资的银行的崩溃,建造工作已基本陷入了停滞 。
3. bide one's time 等待时机
The cat sat in front of the mousehole, biding its time.
那只猫就坐在那个老鼠洞的洞口等待着时机 。
4. step down 卸任;辞职
He would step down as CEO if he felt he could no longer do the job to his high standards.
如果他觉得自己无法在工作中达到他那些高标准的时候,他就会卸任苹果CEO一职 。