Second Person Blows Whistle, Legal Team Says.
律师团队表示,又一位举报者发声 。
By Annie Karni and Nicholas Fandos
WASHINGTON — An intelligence official with “first-hand knowledge” has provided information related to President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine
and is now protected from retaliation as a whistle-blower,
lawyers representing the official said on Sunday, confirming that a second individual has come forward in the matter.
此人现已以举报人的身份被保护起来,此举证实已经有第二名举报人站出来为此事发声 。
Much is unknown about the official, who has been interviewed by the intelligence community’s inspector general but has not filed a formal complaint.
该官员已经接受了情报界检察长(迈克尔·阿特金森)的采访,但尚未提交正式的控告书,其身份也尚不明了 。
But the individual has hired the same legal team as the first whistle-blower.
但此人聘请的同第一名举报人聘请的为同一律师团队 。
That, and the claim of “first-hand knowledge,”
suggests testimony that might bolster the impeachment case against Mr. Trump and further undermine one of his main defense claims:
that the accusations against him are based on inaccurate, secondhand information.
对他的指控均是基于不准确的二手信息得出的 。
The New York Times reported on Friday that an intelligence official
who has more direct knowledge of Mr. Trump’s dealings with Ukraine than the first whistle-blower,
and who had grown alarmed by the president’s behavior, was weighing whether to come forward.
此人已经对总统的举止颇为震惊,正在考虑是否站出来 。
The second official was among those interviewed by the intelligence community inspector general
to corroborate the allegations of the original whistle-blower, one of the people briefed on the matter said.
上述第二名检举官员就在接受采访之列 。
For Democratic lawmakers seeking to build their case for impeachment,
the new whistle-blower could serve as an important witness for both validating what they know and potentially providing new leads for investigators.
这位新出现的举报者不仅可以充当证实他们已经了解的情况的重要证人,或许还能充当为调查人员提供新线索的重要证人 。
Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who is leading the House’s impeachment inquiry,
urged other potential whistle-blowers to come forward on Sunday night.
敦促其他可能成为举报者的人士也站出来 。
“We thank them for their courage,” he said.
“我们感谢两位举报者的勇气,”他说 。
“We thank them for their patriotism. And we hope others will follow their courageous example.”
“感谢他们的爱国精神 。我们希望其他人也能以他们为榜样 。”
One member of the legal team confirmed on Twitter that the firm was now representing “multiple whistleblowers” but declined to say how many.
两次调查都参与其中的律师团队的一名成员在推特上证实,该团队现在代理了“多名举报者”,但拒绝透露具体人数 。
The inspector general has said that to corroborate the first whistle-blower’s complaint,
he interviewed multiple people who would be afforded protections,
and it was unclear if the lawyer could be referring to those people or other people.
他指的究竟是已经出现的两名举报者还是另有所指目前尚不清楚 。
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1.come forward 出现;露面;站出来
Since his death, none of his next-of-kin or relations has come forward to lay claims to this money as the heir.
他去世后,都没有一位近亲或远亲以他继承人的身份来认领这笔钱 。
2.file a complaint 提出控告/申诉
A convict may also authorize his or her relative or lawyer to file a complaint.
罪犯也可以委托其亲属或者律师提出申诉 。
3.briefed on the matter 知情人士
In coming weeks, both Amazon and Sony Corp. plan to unveil new versions of their devices, said people briefed on the matter.
据知情人士透露,未来几周,亚马逊和索尼都计划发布各自产品的新型号 。
4.build a case 为……搜集证据
We're trying to build a case because many employees have been wrongly terminated by the company.
我们正在努力搜集证据,因为很多被该公司解聘的员工都是被冤枉的 。