This is BBC World News. I'm Pithegru Methew with the headlines.
这里是BBC世界新闻头条 我是披萨格鲁·米修
People living in the Sunda Strait region of Indonesia have been warned to keep away from beaches amid fears of another tsunami.
因为担心可能再次出现海啸 印尼巽他海峡地区的人们被警告远离海滩
We have 280 people who are now known to have died and over a thousand have been injured.
目前已知有280人遇难 另有一千多人受伤
An accountability court in Islamabad is due shortly to announce a verdict in two cases against the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
稍后 伊斯兰堡的一家问责法院将宣布针对前总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif)的两起案件的裁决
If convicted, he could face up to 14 years in jail.
如果定罪 他将被判长达14年的监禁
In Hungary, a dozen people have been prosecuted for being homeless since homelessness became illegal some two months ago.
匈牙利有十几人因无家可归被起诉 因为大约两个月前 流浪在匈牙利被定为非法行为
The national populace government of Viktor Orban is attempting a drastic solution to the problem.
Queen Elizabeth will urge people to treat each other with respect in her annual Christmas message to be broadcast on Tuesday.
Excerpts released by Buckingham Palace say the message of goodwill is never out of date.
白金汉宫发布的致辞摘要表示 善良的信息永不过时
These are the headlines.