日期:2019-10-18 10:07
a new Brexit deal has been agreed between the UK and the European Union,
the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said it's a great deal which allows the UK to take back control,
and the other main parties also say they'll vote no in the House of Commons.
其他主要政党也表示,他们将在下议院投反对票 。
The US and Turkey have agreed to a five-day ceasefire in northern Syria following talks with the US vice president Mike Pence in Ankara.
美国副总统迈克·彭斯在安卡拉与土耳其举行会谈后,两国已同意在叙利亚北部进行为期五天的停火 。
Turkey will halt its operation against Kurdish fighters, who in turn will move back from the border.
土耳其将停止针对库尔德武装人员的军事行动,而库尔德武装分子将从边境撤退 。
The acting White House chief of staff has acknowledged that Washington withheld military aid to Ukraine to pressure Kiev to investigate what he called corruption by Democrats in the 2016 US presidential election.
白宫代理幕僚长承认,美国此前拒绝向乌克兰提供军事援助,以迫使乌克兰调查他所说的民主党在2016年美国总统大选中的腐败行为 。