In the cold white north of Minnesota,
there's a place that will get you warm after a long day on the ice.
有一个地方,可以让在冰上度过了漫长的一天后的你变得暖暖和和 。
You can do some fishing. Or have a tasty beverage.
你可以在那里钓钓鱼 。或者来一杯可口的饮料 。
And it's something of a dream for Josie.
这对乔西来说无异于一个美梦 。
I've always wanted to own a neighborhood bar.
我一直想开个社区酒吧 。
And we finally do, mine is just sitting on a frozen lake.
现在我们终于兑现了,只不过我的酒吧开在了冰封的湖上 。
Ice fishing is a way of life around here for people.
冰钓是我们这边的一种生活方式 。
It gets so cold, below zero temps quite often,
which allows us to drive and put houses out and drill holes in the lake and fish.
这样一来,我们就可以在冰上开车,在冰上盖房子,或者在湖里打洞钓鱼了 。
When it gets cold enough in the early winter,
Josie's husband goes out and tests the ice to make sure it's thick enough.
乔西的丈夫就会出去看看冰够不够厚 。
If it is, they can put the bar together and the the ice hole can open.
够厚的话,他们就可以把酒吧组装到一起,“冰洞”酒吧就可以开张了 。
The ice here is so thick that this bar sits on top of it.
这里的冰太厚了,开上面开个酒吧根本不成问题 。
To come to our bar on the lake, you just drive your car out on the ice and park
we don't have a parking lot,
you just park wherever you want, walk in and have a beer.
你想停哪儿就停哪儿,然后就可以进来喝一杯了 。
People like to fish and drink beer and from our bar here, you can do that all at the same time.
人们既喜欢钓鱼,有喜欢喝啤酒,来我们酒吧的话,你可以一边钓鱼一边喝酒 。
The local favorite drink is called the minnow shot.
我们这边的人最喜欢的酒叫“湖鱥酒” 。
People will actually take a live minnow which is fishing bait, and put it into their shot and drink it.
把一条活的湖鱥,也是一种鱼饵,放进酒里,然后一口闷 。
Oh boy.
哇喔 。
Oh yeah.
He wiggled a little bit. Yeah.
它还弹了一下 。是的 。
As delicious as that seafood beverage sounds,
people come just because the fact that the bar exists is pretty amazing.
人们来这里只是因为这种酒吧的存在本身就显得无比的不可思议 。
People's reactions to this bar are from crazy to they don't understand it to it's the coolest thing ever.
人们对这个酒吧的反应,有觉得很疯狂的,有觉得不理解的,也有觉得酷得不行的,各种反应都有 。
They come from all over the world to see it.
他们从世界各地前来参观 。
It's very seasonal, we're only opened 20 days.
我们的酒吧是季节性的,我们只开放20天 。
If you're ever near Lake Lida, drive out on the ice, park, come into the bar and grab a pole.
如果你碰巧到了丽达湖附近,那你不妨把车开到冰湖上停好进屋来钓一杆噢 。