For a castle straight out of a fairytale, look no further than the Alcázar of Segovia.
想知道童话中的城堡的模样,看看塞哥维亚城堡就知道了 。
Located in Central Spain, the Alcázar of Segovia is one of the country's most visited and distinctive landmarks.
塞哥维亚城堡坐落在西班牙中部,是西班牙最独特也最受游客欢迎的标志性建筑之一 。
Built in the 12th century, the Alcázar has served many functions over the years.
A fortress, a royal palace, a state prison, an artillery college, and most recently, a museum and military archive.
堡垒、皇家宫殿、国家监狱、炮兵大学,最近又成了一座博物馆和军事档案馆 。
However, it's most famous function could arguably be that it served as an inspiration in some of the most iconic Disney films.
然而,毫无争议的是,该城堡最著名的作用是:它是迪士尼众多标志性电影的灵感来源 。
The similarities between Segovia and “Cinderella” can be found in the buildings brick facade, turrets, and location, perched high above the neighboring countryside.
从塞哥维亚城堡和《灰姑娘》的砖墙、角楼、及其高高矗立在一片村庄里的地理位置,我们都不难看出两者的相似之处 。
Walt Disney also went on the reproduce Segovia as the Queen's castle in “Snow White,” with it appearing in the film in it's almost exact form.
《白雪公主》里女王的城堡也是沃特·迪斯尼从塞哥维亚城堡改造出来的,电影里的城堡和塞哥维亚城堡简直可以说是一模一样 。
If you can make it up more than 150 stairs to the top of the tower, you will be rewarded with stunning views fit for a queen.
如果游客能够成功登上150多级的台阶,就能看到女王视角下的迷人风景 。