Mama Dragons is a support group for Mormon moms with LGBT children.
“龙妈妈”是一个为有LGBT孩子的摩门教妈妈提供帮助的团体 。
One of the things it does is help moms not feel alone, not feel like they're the only one walking that path.
这个团体所做的事情之一就是帮助妈妈们不再感到孤独,不再觉得他们是唯一走这条路的人 。
We figured out that Grayson was transgender when he was 16, about halfway through his junior year of high school.
我们发现格雷森是跨性别人士是在他16岁的时候,也就是差不多高三中期的时候 。
I was, you know, supportive of his transition,
but for about the first year and a half, I didn't know a single other, Mormon mom, with a transgender kid.
但是,在我知道这件事之后的大约一年半时间里,我在我身边几乎找不到一个孩子是跨性别人士的摩门教妈妈 。
I don't want other moms to feel as alone as I felt.
我不希望其他妈妈像我一样孤独 。
In five years, 10 years, if the Mama Dragons still exist, we can have a huge base.
五年,十年,只要妈妈龙依然存在,我们就能找到一个巨大的基地 。
There's usually 10-15, every week that we add, so that's 60 new women a month so, 720 a year.
我们每周通常都会增加10-15名会员,一个月下来就是60名新女性,一年就是720名 。
Most Mama Dragons that I work with and know have their finger and their pulse on at least 15 kids,
talking through how they might be able to come out to their parent or how to handle their situation with their parents.
和他们探讨如何跟父母坦白或者如何和父母一起面对他们的性取向问题 。
Part of that is, you know, trying to help them with suicide prevention, understanding.
这样做也是为了,你懂的,为了帮助他们预防自杀,帮助他们理解问题 。
We're saying, oh no, that's not gonna happen on my watch.
我们就想着,不行,我绝对不允许这种事情在我的眼皮子底下发生 。
You know, an average of 557 Utahans die by suicide every year.
我们州平均每年都有557名人自杀死亡 。
It is the leading cause of death in youth ages 10-17 in Utah.
自杀是导致犹他州10-17岁的青少年死亡的主要原因 。
No one is acknowledging that our LGBTQ people feel so ostracized, by the religion that they were raised in.
没有人承认我们的LGBTQ人群觉得他们被包围自己成长的宗教排斥得多厉害 。
Here, by default, if you don't fit in your church community, you then don't fit into your neighborhood and then you don't fit into your school.
在我们这边,默认情况下,如果你融不进你的教会圈子,那么你就融不进你的左邻右舍以及你的学校 。
The data is very clear, that young people who don't have a good support network,
in particular young people who feel rejected by their families, are at much higher risk.
尤其是那些被家人抛弃了的年轻人,融不进周围社会的风险更大 。
We have to change our whole culture, about how we treat LGBT young people in the church.
我们必须改变关于我们在教堂时如何对待LGBT年轻人的所有相关文化 。
I've met a lot of Mama Dragons because I went and met them for lunch, and then I told them about the group and asked if they wanted to be a part.
我认识很多龙妈妈,因为我会去找她们共进午餐,然后跟她们介绍我们的团队并询问她们是否愿意加入 。
Hey, Jill.
你好,吉尔 。
So meeting with them one on one and letting them share anything they wanna share.
我会跟她们单独会面,给她们机会分享她们愿意分享的任何故事 。
Anna was afraid to come out to us,
before she came out, she was telling us, oh, there's a kid at school who's gay, and he's being bullied; but it's like, that was her.
在跟我们坦白之前,她说,对了,学校里有个同性恋同学,他总是被人欺负;但是问题是,那个同学应该就是她自己 。
And she was afraid to tell us that.
但她不敢告诉我们 。
She wanted to see what your response would be.
她想看看我们会是什么反应 。
She was testing the waters, you know what I mean?
It's like if, you know, are my parents gonna say, "Well, don't hang out with that kid, stay away from that kid," you know, it makes me sad.
就像她想知道,我的父母会不会说,‘好吧,那你就别和他玩儿了,离他远点儿,’ 她会这么想我很难过 。
She slept on the floor of our bedroom for a month.
她在我们的卧室的地板上睡了一个月 。
You know, it's like I couldn't leave her alone and knowing there are people like Alison, you know, who kind of experienced our worst nightmare? Yeah.
我不能留下她一个人,因为我知道和艾莉森一样的问题最后……变成我们最糟糕的噩梦?是的 。