Life on the island is not easy, and it's not a place where you come to get rich.
岛上的生活并不容易,也不能让你发家致富 。
But it's a better lifestyle. So it's a happier lifestyle.
但这里的生活方式更好 。也更幸福 。
With so few people on the island, everybody has to have multiple jobs to keep the island afloat with everybody else.
由于岛上的人很少,所以每个人都必须身兼多职才能维持小岛上的日常生活 。
Welcome to North Ronaldsay, a small remote island off the northern reaches of Scotland.
欢迎来到北罗纳德赛岛,这是苏格兰北部的一个偏远小岛 。
Home to around 50 people, two lighthouses, an airport, some sheep, cattle, and a few seals; and that's about it.
岛上只有将近50个居民,两个灯塔,一个机场,一些羊,牛和一些海豹;差不多就这些了 。
Not much of a labor force.
岛上劳动力不多 。
So while on the mainland you might have one, maybe two jobs, up here it's more like six or seven.
所以,在大陆你可能有一份或者两份工作,在这里一个人很可能要做六七份工作 。
Meet Sarah Moore.
欢迎莎拉·摩尔 。
My name is Sarah Moore. I've got quite a few jobs on the island:
我是莎拉·摩尔 。我在岛上有很多份工作:
I'm a home carer, a clerk to the community council.
我是一名看护,也是社区委员会的书记 。
I work at the airfield--baggage handler and firefighter.
我还在机场工作——是我们机场的行李搬运和消防员 。
I've got a flock of sheep, and I'm a postie on the island.
我还有一群羊要照顾,同时也是岛上的邮差 。
Really, the job is being an islander, which is just muckin' in and helping with various bits and pieces.
我的工作其实就是当一个岛民,说白了就是给大家搭把手,不管是什么事情 。
And no two days are ever the same.
我的生活没有哪两天是重样的 。
I could be helping with cattle one day and fixing a roof the other day, and...
It's whatever the islanders need help with. You just muck in.
反正就是岛民们需要你干嘛你就去干嘛 。
Logan727, North Ronaldsay Ob. Your wind is 184 degrees.
洛根727,北罗纳德赛岛 。风向为184度 。
Safety is a number one priority on North Ronaldsay.
安全是北罗纳德赛岛的首要任务 。
Thankfully, we've never had an emergency; so hopefully, we'll keep it that way.
值得庆幸的是,我们从未遇到过险情;也希望我们能够继续保持下去 。
I moved to the island about three and half years ago from Edinburgh.
我大约是三年半前从爱丁堡搬来的 。
I was not enjoying life there.
我不喜欢那里的生活 。
I mean, there's just so many people.
那儿的人实在是太多了 。
You (didn't know) anbody; you're completely anonymous. It's quite a lonely place.
你也没有认识的人;你完全就是个路人甲 。那是一个十分孤独的城市 。
Up here my confidence has gained massively because people, they come along and teach you the skills that you need.
来了这里之后我开始信心大增,因为大家会教你你需要的技能 。
I certainly never had sheep in Edinburgh.
在爱丁堡的时候我当然是从来没有养过羊的 。
Hello, Sam. Hello.
你好,山姆 。你好 。
Most people didn't quite understand that when I say I've got, like six jobs, it's not six full-time jobs.
当我说我有六份工作的时候大家其实并没有太懂我的意思,我并不是说我有六份全职的工作 。
I mean, it's not as if I'm working, you know, 24 hours a day.
不是说我一天24个小时都在工作 。
There's far more job satisfaction at the end of the day.
一天结束时,你对你的工作是很满足的 。
You can say you've actually accomplished something,
as opposed to just, you know, "Done the same old thing, day in, day out."
而不是“日复一日重复着同样的事情 。”
How many houses do you have to deliver to?
I think it's something like 25 houses on the island that I deliver to.
差不多25家吧 。
How long does it take you?
A few hours. It depends on the amount of post we get.
几个小时吧 。取决于我们收到的邮件数量 。
This island is really magical, I mean, it's completely unique in its own way.
这个岛真的很神奇,它是那么的独特,那么的别具一格 。
You're neve going to find a place like this, where you can just come up and live the way you are supposed to live.
世界上没有任何一个像这里一样能够按照你自己的生活方式生活的地方 。
You know, we're ruled by the weather as opposed to the clock,
在这里,我们是看天而不是看时间吃饭的 。
and I have no plans to go anywhere.
我也没有打算去别的地方 。
I'm setting up roots, and I'm gonna be here until I die.
我就要在这里扎根,一直在这里,直到我离开这个世界 。