We were minute away from taking off and that was a baby who stopped breathing.
当时离起飞已经只有几分钟了,一个婴儿却突然没有呼吸了 。
What went through my mind was, "what was the cause of the distress?"
"And how do I start emergency measures?"
Working together as a team, very fortunately, the baby was stabilized and we managed to take off.
好在,在我们大家的共同努力下,小宝宝逐渐稳定了下来,我们也顺利起飞了 。
My name is Ann Sim.
I'm a Singapore Airlines cabin crew.
I've also a volunteer medic.
同时也是一名志愿医生 。
This great big story is by Singapore Airlines.
感谢新加坡航空公司对本期伟大的故事的大力支持 。
I always enjoy being challenged and be constantly on the move.
I want to keep learning, keep growing and to experience more.
不断学习,不断成长,不断丰富自己的人生体验 。
And flying gave me that opportunity.
飞行恰好就为我提供了一个这样的机会 。
When I'm not flying, I volunteer with the Singapore Civil Defence Force Auxiliary Unit, as a volunteer medic.
不飞的时候,我就在新加坡民防部队(SCDF)附属单位当志愿医生 。
And I have been living this double life for about 7 years.
这样的双面人生我已经过了7年了 。
Every 12-hour shift is unpredictable because all emergencies are different.
我们12个小时为一班,每次轮班的情况都是无法预知的,因为每次的紧急情况都不一样 。
As a volunteer medic, I follow the ambulance with the SCDF officers and the day will start when the emergency calls come.
作为一名志愿医生,我的工作就是和SCDF的官员一起跟救护车,什么时候有紧急电话打进来就什么时候开始工作 。
12 years ago I wanted to be a nurse because I wanted to help people, to make a difference in their lives.
12年前我就想当一名护士,因为我想助人为乐,想让大家的生活有所改善 。
SCDF actually gave me this opportunity to contribute back to the society with my skills.
SCDF算是给了我这样一个用我自己的技能回馈社会的机会吧 。
Volunteering allows me to keep in touch with the medical world.
志愿者这份工作能够让我继续保持与医学界的联系 。
Being a medic, every second, every minute counts because this is life and death.
做医生的,每一分每一秒都很重要,因为都是生死攸关的事情 。
As a cabin crew, it is of a slower pace, more graceful and elegant.
空乘的节奏就比较慢,也更优雅、更精致一些 。
Because of my medical background,
I can pick up details better and makes me more aware that simple things that we do makes people feel good.
所以我有很强的细节感知能力,这也让我更深刻地感觉到,我们举手之劳就能方便到大家 。
These are important things that need to be observed, be understood and be attended to.
但这些细小的服务也都是很重要的,都是需要我们观察、消化和关注的事情 。
And this has also influenced my approach to being a medic as well.
这也影响了我做医生的工作态度 。
These responsibilities are important to me and give meaning to my life.
这些责任对我来说是很重要的,它们就是我生活的价值所在 。
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
女士们先生们早上好 。
Welcome aboard Singapore Airlines SQ25 to Singapore.
欢迎乘坐新加坡航空SQ25次航班,本次航班即将前往新加坡 。
It's nice to know that I'm helping people through my work.
很高兴我的工作有帮助到大家 。
When I see their smiles, the look on their faces, it's really rewarding and satisfying.
看到大家的笑容,大家脸上的表情,我就会觉得很有成就感,很满足 。
And some of us have even become friends.
有一些我们还成了朋友 。
Sometimes, it just comes down to letting people know that they are in good and safe hands.
有时,我们的工作归根结底就是要让大家知道,有我们在呢,您尽管放心 。
What could be greater than having two lives that allow me to do just that.