Covering the mountainside in Maras, Peru,
thousands of manmade ponds sit exposed to the elements, as they have for over 500 years.
成千上万的人工水池静静地接受着某些元素的堆积,五百多年来一直如此 。
Beneath the Qaqawinay mountain, where these salt pans sit, runs a salt-filled underground spring.
在坐落着这些盐田的Qaqawinay山的地底下流淌着一条地下盐泉 。
The pans, each no more than a foot deep, fill with this natural spring water,
which the sun evaporates, leaving behind the natural salt crystals.
随着泉水在阳光下蒸发,剩下的便是天然的盐晶体 。
Created between 500 and 1000 A. D., it was the Incans who built them up into what we see today.
这些盐田建于公园500年到公园1000年间,后来的印加居民把它们改造成了如今的模样 。
Currently there are over 3,000 active pans,
each one owned by a different family in the Maras community,
and are hand-mined much the same as when the Incans were here.
他们也基本沿用了从前印加人的手工收盐传统 。
Each pool yields about 330 pounds of salt per month.
每个盐田月产在330磅左右 。
When the salt has been mined, the pool is refilled and the process begins again.
收完之后,这些盐田会再次注满,等待下一轮结晶收割 。
Visiting these pans allows you to marvel at the beauty of nature, and of man's ingenuity.
站在这里,不禁让人感慨自然的大美风光,以及人类的创造才能 。