Some of the oldest windmills in the world can be found on the gusty border of northern Iran and Afghanistan.
伊朗北部和阿富汗边境有着世界上最古老的风车 。
Nashtifan is a city located in the Khorasan Province of Iran.
纳希提凡,伊朗呼罗珊省的一座城市 。
The city name was previously Nishtufan, translating to “storm sting,” which is appropriate for this windy city.
这座城市以前的名字是“尼西土番”,翻译过来就是“暴风之刺”,用这一名字形容这座风城颇为贴切 。
A 65-foot wall blocks the intense gale-force winds, and on top of that wall are around two dozen vertical axis windmills.
这堵65英尺(约19米)高的墙能够挡住强风,墙的顶部还有20多座垂直轴的风车 。
They are made from clay, straw, and wood, and it's estimated that they were constructed over 1,000 years ago.
这些风车均由粘土、稻草和木头制成,据估计,其历史已经有1000多年 。
The windmills still function today and can be used to mill grain into flour.
这些风车一直沿用至今,可用来碾磨谷物 。
In 2002, Nastifan was recognized as a National Heritage Site by Iran's Cultural Heritage Department,
in the hopes that it will be around for thousands of years to come.
希望它们在未来几千年里依然能够屹立不倒 。