There is a common misconception that depression is easy to spot.
大家都误以为抑郁症很容易被发现 。
Hollywood often depicts it as somebody who is always sad, or looks worn out.
好莱坞经常将抑郁症患者描述为总是很悲伤或是看起来疲惫不堪的人 。
But depression isn't always obvious, which is why so many of us struggle with it silently.
但是抑郁症并不总是那么显而易见,因此很多患者都在沉默中与抑郁症斗争 。
Sometimes, it means smiling on the outside, when we're really dying on the inside.
有时,这意味着脸上笑嘻嘻,内心却已奄奄一息 。
Here are 5 hidden signs of depression.
以下是抑郁症5种隐藏迹象 。
1. You have habitual remedies.
1. 习惯性治疗
Therapy and medication can help with depression.
疗法和药物可以帮助治疗抑郁症 。
But if you find yourself making extra changes to your lifestyle, then it can indicate that you are struggling more than usual with it.
但是如果你发现你对自己的生活做出了多余的改变,那么这可能表明你在与抑郁做更多的斗争 。
'I'm going through this one myself.'
‘我将要独自忍受它 。’
If you are too, you may find yourself exercising more frequently, listening to music more often,
or doing your favorite hobbies to distract yourself from the pain you're feeling.
或是做你最爱的事情,以将你的注意力从痛苦中转移 。
Hidden depression exists when you're trying to quiet the loud demons in your head.
当你想要安抚脑海中吵闹的恶魔时,隐藏的抑郁症就会出现 。
2. You have irregular eating and sleeping patterns
2. 不规律的饮食和睡眠模式
People with depression struggle with consistent sleeping and eating patterns.
抑郁症患者总是无法保持规律的睡眠时间和饮食模式 。
You may find you're either sleeping and eating too much, or too little.
你或许会发现自己要么吃得太多、睡得太久,要么是两者都过少 。
Depression can work in extremes, and slows us down when we get little energy from our irregular daily patterns.
身处绝境中,抑郁症依旧横行,当我们无法从不规律的每日模式中获取能量时,它就会慢慢拖垮我们 。
3. You are highly philosophical
3. 大哲理家 。
Do you constantly find yourself seeking a purpose in life?
Do you also think about the 'what if's' and have frequent, deep conversations about life and death?
Although you sound very scholarly and smart, there can also be a downside to thinking too much.
虽然你听起来很博学聪慧,但是这也可以是想得太多的消极面 。
People with hidden depression have a tendency to ruminate about their uncertainties in life.
患隐藏性抑郁症的人有反复思考生命中不确定性的倾向 。
They usually feel directionless, lost, and scared.
他们通常找不到目标,感到迷失和害怕 。
4. You have trouble with abandonment
4. 遗弃情结 。
People with depression understand how much of a burden it can be. I can strongly relate to this.
患有抑郁症的人明白这会是多么沉重的负担 。我对此就有强烈的感受 。
I have a hard time letting people in, afraid that it will be harder for them to be there for me when I need their support.
我难以对他人敞开心扉,害怕当我需要他们支持的时候,他们会更加难以守候在我身边 。
I realize I have abandonment issues, but I'm trying harder to be more vulnerable.
我意识到我有遗弃情结,但是我在努力变得更加坦诚 。
I realize I can't fight depression alone, and neither should you. No one should have to.
我意识到我无法独自对抗抑郁,你们也不应该 。没人应该单打独斗 。
5. You're losing your patience
5. 失去耐心 。
Have you been feeling irritable or angry with others lately?
Depression doesn't always have to look like sadness or dejection.
抑郁症并不总是让人看起来悲伤或沮丧 。
Instead, you might find yourself frustrated and impatient with everyone.
相反,或许你会发现自己很受挫,对每个人都没了耐心 。
If you feel like you're at your last straw, your depression might have intensified.
如果你觉得自己处于忍耐的极限,你的抑郁症或许加重了 。
Do you resonate with any of these hidden signs?
We want you to know that you're not alone, and together, we can fight depression. Please share your thoughts with us below.
我们希望大家能明白你并不是一个人,大家携手可以共同击败抑郁 。请在下方和大家分享你的想法 。
Also, please don't forget to subscribe for more content from Psych2Go. And share this video to get a free copy of our magazine!
还有,请不要忘记订阅我们的频道观看更多内容 。请分享本期视频,可获得免费杂志!
With your help, we can reach more people to spread awareness about mental health issues.
有了大家的帮助,我们可以让更多人意识到精神健康的问题 。
Thanks for your support, really and truly. We wouldn't have gotten this far without each and every one of you. Have a good day! Thanks for watching!
感谢大家的支持,由衷感谢 。没有你们,我们走不到这里 。祝好!感谢收看!