How complaining affects the brain and general health?
While we may think it feels good to vent, complaining has some bad effects associated with it.
虽然我们会觉得发泄完很舒服,但抱怨也会产生不好的影响 。
First of all, what aspects of life make people want to complain?
In the aftermath of the recent presidential election, many people are grumbling regardless of their political persuasion.
在近期总统大选后,许多人不论他们从属何种政治派别都怨声载道 。
Cold temperatures due to winters ice and snow also rank highly on the list of things that displease people, yet these are only the beginning.
冬季冰雪的寒冷也位列惹人生气的名单之中,然而这些仅是开始而已 。
Many of us have fallen into the habit of making complaints about everything from bad hair days to troubling relationships.
许多人都养成了抱怨的习惯,不论是过得不顺心还是遭遇令人困扰的情感关系 。
Even when life is going well, we often overlook the positive and fuss about one thorn among the roses.
即使生活一帆风顺,我们也常忽视正能量而慌乱于玫瑰丛中的一根荆棘 。
Why isn't complaining beneficial? Research shows that it rewires our brain for negativity.
为什么抱怨对人们无益呢?研究发现抱怨将我们的大脑与消极重新相连 。
The brain is designed to work efficiently, meaning that when we repeat a thought, negative or positive,
the nerve cells form a bridge between each other to expedite the passage of information.
彼此之间桥梁的神经细胞就会加快信息的传递 。
Consequently, the next time we have a similar thought it is more easily transmitted.
所以下一次我们有相似思维时,信息的传递就会变得更加容易 。
This mechanism explains why certain thought patterns quickly become ingrained habits. Yet the detrimental effects don't stop there.
这种机制就解释了为什么某种思维模式能够迅速变成根深蒂固的习惯 。然而有害影响并未止步 。
A study from Stanford University shows that complaining causes the hippocampus, which plays a vital role in problem-solving and other cognitive functions to shrink.
斯坦福大学的一项研究表明抱怨会导致海马区(在问题解决和其他认知功能中起重要作用)的收缩 。
In addition to causing brain damage, complaining also releases a stress hormone: cortisol,
the fight-or-flight chemical the body produces when we encounter some danger, a response that it's essential for survival.
当我们遇到危险时身体会产生的一种‘斗争还是逃避’的化学物质,这是生存必备的一种反应 。
However, constantly having a high level of cortisol results in high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and impaired immunity,
effects that may eventually cause obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
这些影响或许最终会导致肥胖、糖尿病和心血管疾病 。
The ill effects of our complaining aren't just limited to ourselves though, they also involve those around us.
抱怨的不良作用不仅仅限于本人,对周围的人也有影响 。
People tend to mirror the moods of those around them, so we should be cautious about constantly complaining when we're around our friends.
人们易于反射周围朋友的情绪,所以我们应该警惕周围那些不停抱怨的朋友们 。
The best way to deal with constant negativity is to develop a sense of gratitude. Just like complaining acts as a poison, gratitude acts as a medicine.
处理消极最好的方法是形成一种感恩之心 。抱怨是毒,感恩则是解药 。
Research shows that having gratitude lowers cortisol levels by 23% as well as reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. It also decreases fatigue and depression.
研究发现感恩能够将皮质醇含量降低23%,同时也能降低血压和胆固醇 。还能缓解疲劳和抑郁 。
Gratitude is the perfect antidote for complaining, a behavior that steals our brain power, happiness and physical well-being.
感恩是抱怨的完美解毒剂,抱怨是偷取我们的脑力、快乐和身体健康的行为 。
So what have you observed about the effects of complaining in your own life or in the lives of others?
Have you noticed any positive effects when you are grateful for something? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
当你报以感恩之心时,你有注意到哪些积极影响呢?请在下方评论分享你的想法 。
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