Eleven psychological tips for staying focused.
保持专注的11种心理学小妙招 。
Whether you're student, professor, entrepreneur or employee, people of all walks of life and ages struggle with keeping focus.
不论你是学生、教授、企业家还是员工,各行各业、各年龄段的人都在于保持专注斗争着 。
In this day and age with new technologies and life becoming more busy as we grow older, distractions surrounds us.
新科技不断地发展,生活也随着年龄的增长而变得愈加繁忙,使我们分心的事物环绕周围 。
Here are some tips on how you can keep concentrated more easily.
以下几点技巧能够帮助你轻松保持专注 。
Number 1: Plan out your times. Start by figuring out during which times your focus is at its best.
1.规划你的时间 。首先想想自己在哪个时间段内最专注 。
Maybe it's right after dinner or in the first hours of the day.
是晚饭后还是一天的清晨 。
Well, arrange your schedule so that you do the most important tasks during your most efficient hours.
然后,安排好自己的规划,这样就能在高效时间内进行最重要的任务了 。
Number 2: Train your brain. It's become the norm to multitask almost an autopilot without putting much thought into it.
2.锻炼你的大脑 。自动驾驶仪时进行多重任务已成为常态 。
Start by training your brain to put all effort into one task, put away all distracting devices as well.
开始锻炼你的大脑,集中努力处理一个任务,远离所有让人分心的设备 。
It doesn't have to be for longer than 10 minutes. You can work your way up as you go.
时间不必多于十分钟 。你可以依照自己的方式进行 。
Number 3: Let it flow. This is entirely dependent on what works for you.
3. 随心而往 。这完全取决于对你最有效的方式是什么 。
Sticking to a strict schedule will slow down your efficiency. If you're working very well you might want to extend your working time.
严格坚持一张计划表会拉低的你效率 。如果一切进展顺利,你会想要延长你的工作时间 。
At the same time, if you can't seem to focus too well, step away from your work for a bit to clear your head.
同时,如果你无法很好地保持专注,那么就离开工作,清理一下自己的头脑 。
Number 4: Sleep well, eat well. Your productivity is proven to increase, when you have slept well.
4. 吃好睡好 。事实证明,睡得好能够提高你的产能 。
Not to mention, focusing while running on an empty stomach is extra hard.
保持专注已经很困难了,更别提在肚子饿的时候,要专注更加艰难 。
Having 15 minutes the full uninterrupted concentration is much better than thirty of exhausted studying.
15分钟不间断的完全专心要比精疲力尽的学习30分钟要更好 。
Don't forget to take time to take care of your needs.
不要忘记照顾自己的需求 。
Number 5: Make a list. Make it clear to yourself what you want to accomplish in the session by writing it down. Being specific is key here.
5. 列清单 。清楚自己在一段时期想要完成的事情,把它们都写下来 。详细性是关键 。
Having a clear idea of what you have to do will not only make it easier to manage your work in separate sessions,
thanks to the visual map, it will be less likely for you to be distracted.
多亏了视觉性规划,这样你就不容易分心了 。
Number 6: Repeat, repeat, repeat!
6. 重复、重复再重复!
Studying a subject for a couple of 30-minute sessions is more effective then studying for one long three-hour period.
将学习时间分为几个部分,每部分时间为30分钟,这样比连续学习3个小时更加有效 。
This requires a more careful distribution of your time. If done right, your productivity and focus will improve.
这要求对时间更加仔细的分配 。如果做对了,你的产能和专注力都将提升 。
Number 7: Clear up! Once you're ready to start a new task, it's time to leave all potential distractions from your previous task behind.
7. 清理!一旦你准备开始新的任务,就是时候清理上个人物留下的那些会让你分心的东西 。
It's easy to catch something you missed and want to go back to do that, but you need to move forward.
人们很容易将捕捉自己漏掉的问题并想要去弥补,但是你需要向前看 。
Write down what you need on your to-do list and go back to do it later.
在任务清单上写下你需要做的事情,稍后再回头去做 。
Number 8: Pay attention to your habits.
8. 注重自己的习惯 。
Pinpoint what is exactly that keeps distracting you. Maybe it's your phone, your laptop or the fridge that is preventing you to give your full attention to the task at hand.
精确地找出让你分心的东西 。或许是你的手机、你的笔记本或是冰箱,是它们阻碍了你对手头任务的注意力 。
Once you have identified the source, you can deal with getting rid of it while you work.
一旦得到确定,在工作时,你就可以摆脱这个分心物 。
Number 9: Time is up!
9. 时间已到!
You don't always have to work until everything is finished. Taking breaks in between long tedious work sessions will help keep you motivated for the time you have left.
你不必一直工作,直到一切完毕 。长时间的劳累工作期间需要休息一会,这能够帮助你保持动力 。
Number 10: Separate relaxation space and work space.
10. 将休闲空间和工作空间分开 。
Have you ever tried working in bed, and it just made it so hard to focus?
在床上工作老困还无法集中注意力 。
Designating a specific space to work will let your brain know when it's time to concentrate. In addition to making it easier to fall asleep when you've finished.
指定一块特别工作区能让你的大脑知道是时候集中注意力了 。完成任务后,更容易入睡 。
Number 11: Finish! A lot of students will study until late in the evening and then go straight to bed.
11.完成!许多学生会学到很晚,然后直接就去睡了 。
However, it's better to end it by doing something you enjoy this gives your brain an opportunity to cool down after your work session.
但是,最好是在学习完后做一些自己享受的事情,让你的大脑有机会冷静下来 。
Do you have any more tips that help you focus?