Judging by the grandness and length of this wall, you could be forgiven for thinking that it's in China, but this is the Great Wall of India.
从宏伟程度和长度来看,即便你认为这堵城墙是在中国也是可以原谅的,但它其实是印度的长城 。
The Kumbhalgarh Wall is located in Rajasthan, roughly a 10-hour drive from New Delhi.
贡珀尔格尔古长城位于拉贾斯坦邦,距离新德里约10小时车程 。
Its remoteness has caused this stunning location to be relatively unknown, even to locals.
由于地处偏僻,这一令人叹为观止的景点一直鲜有人知,即使是在当地人中间也不例外 。
The wall is made of thousands of stone bricks with artistic flourishes on top.
城墙由数千块石砖砌成,顶部饰有优美的艺术线条 。
It has seven gateways and took over a century to construct.
该长城有七个隘口,耗时一个多世纪才建成 。
It was a place of refuge in times of danger.
这里也曾在危难时期为印度的难民们遮风挡雨 。
The wall snakes through valleys and along mountaintops.
长城飞跃重重峡谷,高耸在山颠之上 。
After the Great Wall of China, it is the second longest continuous wall in the world.
它也是位列中国的万里长城之后的世界第二大连续长城 。
It is 22 miles in length and surrounds the fort of over 300 ancient temples that were believed to have been built in the fifteenth century.
印度长城全长22英里(约35公里),环绕着300多座古老的寺庙,据信这些寺庙均建于十五世纪 。
In 2013 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2013年,这里被列入了联合国世界遗产名录 。
A majority of the wall sits high, serving as a lookout and giving incredible views of the surrounding mountains and farmlands, unlike anywhere else in India.
印度长城主体部分地势都很高,站在上面可以一览整个印度,只有这里才能领略到的群山和农田的壮丽景色 。