Sometimes they say, “Oh, a kid did it, it's not worth anything."
有时,他们会说,“哦,是个孩子画的,一文不值 。”
Lots of people say that 12-year-olds are such an annoying age.
还有很多人说,12岁是一个很烦人的年纪 。
Critics say that I'm like Jackson Pollock.
绘画评论家则说我身上有杰克逊·波洛克的影子 。
And they say it as a compliment, but I want to be known for my own style, not being compared to someone else.
他们是在表达他们对我的欣赏,但我想靠我自己的风格成名,而不是和别人比较 。
This Great Big Story was made possible by Lego, play her way.
感谢乐高对本期《伟大的故事》的大力支持 。乐高,玩她所好 。
My name is Aelita Andre. I'm an abstract painter.
我叫艾丽塔·安德烈 。我画的是抽象画 。
And I'm from Melbourne, Australia.
我来自澳大利亚的墨尔本 。
At only 12 years old, Aelita has been in the industry for over a decade.
尽管才12岁,艾丽塔却已经有了十多年的绘画经验 。
I started painting when I was nine months old.
我九个月大的时候就开始画画了 。
My dad put a canvas down on the floor because he used to paint a little bit.
当时我爸爸在地板上铺了一块帆布,因为那时候他偶尔也会画点啥 。
I just started crawling on the canvas and started painting before him.
我就在画布上爬来爬去,在他前面画 。
That's how everything started, that was my first painting.
就是这么开始的,那也是我的第一幅画 。
My first show was at the age of two years old.
我第一次办画展是两岁的时候 。
Without telling the gallery owner her age, her mother presented the work and Aelita was booked for her first show.
在没有透露艾丽塔的年龄的情况下,她的母亲向画廊老板展示了她的作品,就这样,艾丽塔的首个画展被预订了下来 。
Since then, she has taken her art across the globe and has sold paintings for around $35,000 U.S. dollars.
从那以后,她已经带着自己的艺术作品走遍了全世界,光卖画就已经挣了3.5万美元 。
I've been to London, Russia, Japan, New York, Italy, China, mom, where else?
Hong Kong. Hong Kong, but-- Four times. Four times.
(中国)香港 。对,(中国)香港,不过,去了四次 。嗯,去了四次 。
I paint every few days, but mainly when I'm inspired.
我每隔几天就会画一幅画,但大多是灵感来了才画 。
When I paint, I usually think about the universe,
I think about animals, pretty much everything that has to do with nature.
想到动物,想到几乎所有与大自然有关的东西 。
With the violins on the canvas, I want to show that the whole universe is singing.
在画布上画小提琴,我想表现的是整个宇宙都在唱歌 。
Although Aelita's young, she understands the harsh critics in the art world.
尚且年幼的艾丽塔就已经对艺术界严厉的批评持理解态度 。
When people question my talent, usually I don't mind because I think that everyone should have their own opinion.
人们质疑我的才能的时候,我通常是不会介意的,因为我觉得每个人都应该有自己的看法 。
But there is one critic whose opinion does matter.
但有一位评论家的看法很重要 。
So Fluffy is our little pet art critic.
毛毛是我们家的宠物艺术评论家 。
He usually starts biting me or biting the painting if he doesn't like it.
他要是不喜欢某一幅画,他通常就会咬我或是咬那幅画 。
My mom and dad encouraged my art and I'm so happy.
我父母很鼓励我画画,所以我特别高兴 。
So I definitely think that I'm going to be doing painting for the rest of my life.
我相信,今后我会一直在绘画这条路走下去 。
It's something that I love so much.
因为我非常热爱画画 。