For as long as I knew Eugene, he had his sight set on space.
自打我认识尤金起,他的注意力就一直在太空方面 。
All these years later I can't believe he's still up there. My man on the moon.
这么多年过去了,我真不敢相信他还在那上面 。还在月球上 。
Eugene and I were married 46 years.
我们两人的婚姻延续了46年 。
I first met Eugene when he was studying geology at Princeton.
我们第一次见面的时候他还在普林斯顿学习地质学 。
He would tell me about all the secrets the Earth held. And of course his favorite, those impact craters.
那时他会跟我讲关于地球的所有秘密 。当然,还有他最喜欢的撞击坑的故事 。
Soon enough he got me to fall in love with those rocks, too.
很快,他就让我也爱上了那些石头 。
After the kids had grown and were out of the house,
I was looking for something to do and Gene suggested maybe I would like to see things through the telescope.
我想找点事做,吉恩说也许我会对用望远镜看东西感兴趣 。
We spent our days holed up in Lowell Observatory.
我们整天整天地宅在洛厄尔天文台里 。
"I believe that this nation... "
When Kennedy announced that they were going to send a man to the moon, Gene was terribly excited.
肯尼迪宣布要将人类送上月球时,吉恩非常激动 。
Gene wanted to go to the moon more than anything else.
吉恩最想做的事就是去月球 。
Then he got the medical test. Addison's Disease.
之后他去做了体检 。阿狄森氏病 。
His immune system wasn't protecting him the way it needed to.
他的免疫系统没有像它本来应该保护吉恩那样保护他 。
They couldn't risk him leaving Earth.
他们不能冒险让他离开地球 。
He felt like his goal had suddenly disappeared.
吉恩感觉自己的目标突然消失了 。
At the same time he was not a quitter.
但同时,他并不是一个轻言放弃的人 。
He set up his own mock lunar site and trained Neil Armstrong and the rest of the boys before they took off.
他建立了自己的模拟月球基地,在尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和其他人起飞前对他们进行相关训练 。
Our focus changed over the years from looking up at the moon and looking at the sky to how the Earth was formed.
这些年来,我们的关注点从仰望月球,仰望天空转向了研究地球是如何形成的 。
We packed up and criss-crossed Australia looking for signs of impact craters.
我们收拾好行李,然后在澳大利亚各地寻找陨石坑的迹象 。
On the day of the accident, we were just looking off in the distance, talking about how much fun we were having.
事故发生的那天,我们只是看着远处,说着我们有多开心 。
And then suddenly there appeared a Land Rover in front of us.
然后,突然,一辆路虎就出现在了我们的面前 。
There was no time to think. The two vehicles collided. And Gene died.
我们还来不及思考,两辆车就相撞了 。吉恩遇难了 。
I had a call while I was in the hospital.
我在医院的时候接到了一个电话 。
He said they're about to send a mission up to the moon.
那人说,他们即将启动一项登月任务 。
I wonder if you would like to put Gene's ashes on the moon, and so I said I think that would be wonderful.
想知道我是否同意将吉恩的骨灰放在月球上,我说,那就太好了 。
The whole family was there to wave Gene goodbye.
当天,全家人都集体向吉恩挥手告别 。
After the mission was completed, it ran out of fuel and it crashed into the moon.
任务完成后,飞船耗尽了燃料,撞向了月球 。
And that's where Gene's ashes are now.
那里就是吉恩骨灰所在的地方 。
Suddenly the man who spent his whole life studying craters had made his own impact.
突然间,这位毕生都在研究陨石坑的人终于留下了自己的印记 。
I miss him always, but to this day I can look up at the moon and imagine him there with his rocks looking down at me.
我一直很想念他,但直到今天,我才敢抬头望着月亮,想象着他就站在那里,和他的岩石正看着我 。
He still lights up every single one of my night skies.
他依然照亮着我的每一片夜空 。