Forced marriage, child marriage, these are real problems here in the United States and nobody else is paying any attention to this.
逼婚,童婚,这些都是美国现实存在的问题,然而,除了我们,没有人关注这个问题 。
We like to think of the United States as being far advanced when it comes to women's rights and girl's rights,
but, in the decade 2000 to 2010, almost a quarter of a million children were married in the United States and nobody was talking about this.
然而,2000年至2010年的十年间美国有近25万名儿童踏入婚姻,却没有任何人提及此事 。
Child marriage right now is legal in 48 U.S. states. Is that okay? No!
美国有48个州童婚都是合法的 。这样行吗?不行!
Somebody needed to do something.
总要有人站出来做点儿什么 。
I stepped up because I have been through it myself, and I wanted to help.
我站出来是因为我也是受害者,我不希望大家步我的后尘 。
I grew up in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, which is a very insular religious community.
我是在极端重视正统的犹太社区长大,那是一个非常孤立的宗教社区 。
I always knew that I would marry young, and it would be a marriage that would be arranged for me.
我一直都知道我很小就要嫁人,也知道我的婚姻会由家长包办 。
I was a clueless 19-year-old.
那时我才19岁,什么都不懂 。
I was so happy on my wedding day.
婚礼那天我高兴极了 。
I was doing everything that I had always been told I wanted to do,
and then it took exactly one week for that all to come crashing down.
然而,仅仅一周,我的世界就开始崩塌了 。
My then husband flew into this, you know, violent rage, and then he threatened to kill me for the first time.
我那个时候的丈夫突然就会大发脾气,那是他第一次威胁说要弄死我 。
It was a reality check for me.
这对我来说是一次现实的检验 。
You know, it's painful but, you know, the pain you go through is part of what makes you who you are.
当时我很痛苦,但正是曾经的痛苦造就了现在的我们不是吗 。
I finally put a plan in place to get out when I was 27 because at that point things had gotten so bad.
终于,27岁那年,我实行了我预谋已久的逃跑计划,因为那时我的日子已经完全过不下去了 。
So it was a five year escape plan.
那个计划花了我五年的时间 。
It was terrifying and so lonely, and there was no one who supported me.
过程非常可怕,也无比孤单,因为没有一个人支持我帮我 。
Everyone I knew had declared me dead.
我认识的所有人都说我已经死了 。
And everyone in the outside world could not possibly understand this process that I was going through;
but, I got divorced, and I was able to rebuild my life from scratch.
不过好在我离婚了,我能够从头开始,开启新的人生 。