Once a hub of French aristocratic parties, this castle in the countryside lies abandoned after falling victim to a house fire.
曾经,这座乡村城堡是法国贵族开派对的首选之地,然而,一场大火使得城堡逐渐走向凋敝 。
A few hours outside Paris are the remains of the chateau de La Mothe-Chandeniers.
The castle was built in the 14th century and was owned by French nobles.
该城堡修建于14世纪,曾经为法国贵族所有 。
It was conquered twice by the British in the Middle Ages and was devastated during the French Revolution.
城堡中世纪时两度被英国占领,后毁于法国大革命时期 。
Around 60 years later, after a wealthy relative of Napoleon III took control, he restored the castle to its former glory.
大革命结束大约60年后,拿破仑三世的一位家产颇大的亲戚接手,城堡才终于恢复了昔日的辉煌 。
However, in 1932, just after central heating was installed, a violent fire broke out.
然而,1932年,中央供暖系统刚刚接入,该城堡就发生了一场大火 。
Since the fire, the castle has been slowly taken over by nature.
大火过后,城堡逐渐荒废 。
Trees have grown through the interior, and vines crawl along the once sturdy castle walls.
城堡内部已逝树木丛生,昔日坚固的墙体上也逐渐布满了藤萝 。
Though its fate is still uncertain, today there are efforts to save the castle with a group raising money to restore the ruins.
尽管城堡的未来仍不明朗,目前,某公司正在筹措资金拯救这座城堡,修复残存部分 。