Hey, I have a question for you. And be honest.
嘿 我有个问题 大家要诚实哦
How many people here-- show of hands-- are superstitious.
有多少人迷信 举手
I am not superstitious myself. I don't understand any of these things.
我本人不迷信 这些事情我一窍不通
I'm not superstitious. I'm a little stitious, is what I am.
我不迷信 我只有一点点信而已
Little, little stitious. But there are so many superstitions.
一点点 不过有好多迷信
When I was thinking about what are considered bad luck, like people consider if you walk under a ladder that that's bad luck.
我在想什么被当做坏运气 比如 人们觉得如果你从一个梯子下面走过去 那就是倒霉
And I think falling off a ladder is worse luck.
I think-- that, to me, is bad luck. And I'll tell you something, by the way.
对我来说 那才叫倒霉 顺便跟大家说个事儿
If you own a ladder, things are going pretty good for you because, you know, you make enough money to afford a ladder.
如果你有梯子 那说明你过的还不错 因为 你竟然富到能买得起梯子
Congrats on that, you guys. I mean, a ladder. Think about it.
恭喜你啊 梯子啊 好好想想
It's an adult purchase. You don't have a ladder-- I didn't have a ladder when I was in my 20s.
这是成年人才买的东西 你没有梯子 我20多岁的时候就没有梯子
I don't know when you get a ladder.
But when you get one, you've made it.
但如果你买了 那你就很棒
And if you get a ladder that's just a regular ladder like that, that's great.
如果你买的只是一把普通的梯子 那很好
But if you have one of those extension ladders that's metal, you have made it.
但如果你买的是那种金属的伸缩梯 那你就厉害了
The taller the ladder, the more successful you are.
梯子越高 就说明你越成功
Anyway, my point is-- who chooses to walk under a ladder, anyway.
总之 我想说的是 谁会故意从梯子下面走啊
What a weird choice that is.
Like, I could go around this rickety wood thing with the guy on top with a nail gun in his hand,
我可以绕过这个摇摇晃晃 上面还站着个手里拿着射钉枪的人的木头东西
but I think I'm going to go right underneath him.
Who does that? The other night I spilled some salt, and people are like, oh, that's bad luck if you spill salt.
谁会这么做呢 几天前我弄撒了点盐 人们就说 哦 你把盐弄撒了 那是坏运气
I don't think so. I think it's worse if when you go to pour salt to salt your dish and way too much comes out.
我可不这么认为 我觉得如果你打算给鱼放盐调味 一下子倒多了 那才更倒霉
You weren't expecting it. And then you're like, well, I'm going to eat it anyway.
是你没想到的 然后你说 唉 我还是把它吃了吧
And then the salt can increase your blood pressure, and then that puts greater strain on your heart and arteries.
然后盐会升高你的血压 对你的心脏和动脉产生更强的压力
And then you could have a heart attack or a stroke or worse-- water retention.
然后你可能会心脏病发作或中风甚至更糟 保水力
That's bad luck.
I mean, some things people consider lucky aren't lucky at all.
Like, people say you find a lucky penny on the ground.
比如 人们会说你在地上捡到了幸运便士
That is the worst currency you can find.
The reason it's there is someone threw it away.
They don't want that. It's a penny. That's why you find them there.
他们不想要 一美分而已 所以你才能捡到
People just empty their pockets. They just-- Lucky $100 bill, now we're talking.
人们是为了腾空口袋 他们 100美元才叫幸运
Now you're like, that's ladder money, right there. I'll tell you that.
现在你们 这钱够买个梯子了