This is kakigori. It's a traditional Japanese dessert similar to the shaved ice desserts that you probably know.
这是日式刨冰 。一种传统的日式甜点,类似于大家平时吃的那种刨冰 。
But of course, here, it is so much more than that.
不过,这里的刨冰当然远非寻常刨冰可比的 。
Let's start with a quick history.
我们先来快速地梳理一遍日式刨冰的历史吧 。
The dish was originally a summer treat meant to help cool down the wealthy elite of Japan during the late 1800s.
刨冰原本是19世纪晚期帮助日本富裕的精英阶层在夏季解暑的一道小吃 。
The ice was topped with fruit syrups and teas grown and harvested locally, and, in some places, it still is.
在冰沙上淋上用当地种植的水果制成的果浆和茶叶,在日本的某些地方,如今还在沿用这一做法 。
This is Aya Eguchi in her shop in Otsu.
这位是江口彩和她位于大津的刨冰店 。
And to get very thin ice,
there is, of course, a special machine for that, which you can find in Tokyo at Kori Ishibashi.
当然还需要一台特殊的机器,而这种机器您在东京的古里石桥家也能看到 。
This is Kumiko Ishibashi in her shop.
这家店是石桥九美子开的 。
How thin the ice is shaved?
Well, that depends on the weather.
这个,要看天气 。
OK, so we've got our pure non-freezer made ice shaved by hand to perfection based on the weather.
也就是说,根据当天的天气,我们吃到的是用完全没有进过冰箱的冰手工刨出来的可以说是臻于完美的一碗刨冰 。
Next, we need toppings.
接下来,就是各种配料了 。
Our last stop is Chasanraku tea house in Kyoto.
我们的最后一站是京都的茶三乐茶馆 。
An area known for its matcha.
京都是一个以抹茶闻名的地方 。
And this is Hiroki.
这位则是广树先生 。
From more traditional matcha flavors to mainstream ones like strawberry, Hawaii blue, melon, cream.
从更加传统的抹茶味刨冰,到比较大众的草莓味儿,蓝色夏威夷,甜瓜味,奶油味 。
This dish has range.
他家刨冰的口味可以说是应有尽有 。
But the only thing that matters at the end of the day is how delicious it is.
但归根结底,最重要的还是,好吃 。