I was chosen for the female protection team four years ago.
我是四年前被选入女警察编队的 。
I can't express how excited I was.
那时我激动得简直说不出话来 。
It was my dream, and the dream comes true.
当警察是我的梦想,现在梦想实现了 。
I'm first corporal Omneyat Dawood Sulaiman.
我是迪拜警察局第一个下士Omneyat Dawood Sulaiman 。
I'm working in Dubai police in security, emergency, and protect department.
我在迪拜警察局的安全部、急救部和保护部工作 。
The pioneering, all-female elite squad's role is to protect visiting VIPs at the big events in the UAE.
这些清一色女精英小组的任务就是在阿联酋举行重大活动期间保护到访的贵宾 。
Their training includes hand-to-hand combat, firearms,
and the kind of driving skills that put Hollywood stuntmen to shame.
以及让好莱坞特技演员们都汗颜的车技 。
These women have safeguarded over 500 VIPs on more than 1,000 occasions.
她们曾经在1000多个场合下保护过500多名贵宾 。
We're 30 female in the unit, and there's different teams.
我们小组有30名女性,除了我们还有别的小组 。
We have the bikers and the drivers. I'm one of the bikers.
我们有骑车的,开车的,我骑车 。
These highly-skilled women go through rigorous training
and only the very best can hope to earn a place in the elite squad,
只有最优秀的人才有机会进入精英战队 。
but for Omneyat, law enforcement is more than just her job.
I decided to be a police officer when I was 16 years old.
我16岁就决定要当一名警察 。
My mom and most of my family members are in police and as well in the army.
我妈妈,我们家大多数都是警察或军人 。
I am Ghuson Sulaiman Abdula Almahmood. My rank is a major.
我是Ghuson Sulaiman Abdula Almahmood,我的军衔是陆军上校 。
I was one of the first female officer in Dubai police.
我曾经是首批加入迪拜警察局的女警察 。
When my daughter became part of the VIP protection unit, I was so proud.
我女儿能加入贵宾保护战队,我感到无比自豪 。
My granddaughter, she also like to be police. It will be three generation.
我的孙女也想当一名警察 。那我们就是三代警察了 。
Me and my daughter and my daughter daughter.
我,我女儿,我女儿的女儿 。
It's not hard to see the appeal.
这份工作的诱惑我们不难看出 。
These women have an important and exciting role here,
这些女性的工作非常重要,也十分鼓舞人 。
and although it's a demanding and disciplined life,
working and living in this 21st century city has its own rewards.
但在这座21世纪城市工作、生活自有它的好处 。
I love Dubai and everyone, whether they are VIP or a regular person,
they have to feel safe in Dubai, and we will keep helping them because we are the protection team.
来了这里他们就需要安全感,我们也会一直帮助他们,因为我们是保护小组 。