This is a giant praying mantis.
这是一只巨型螳螂 。
It's located here, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
位于这里,内华达的拉斯维加斯 。
But it's not located on the strip, the place that most people think of when they think Vegas.
但它并不在一提到维加斯大多数人都会想到的拉斯维加斯大道上 。
Today, we're venturing off the beaten path with the help of three people.
今天,我们就有请我们的三位向导,带领我们避开人满为患的那些景点 。
Hi. Hi. Hi.
大家好 。大家好 。大家好 。
To three places that are single-handedly keeping Vegas weird.
去探访还在为维持维加斯另类的一面单枪匹马奋斗的三个地方 。
This is Tim Arnold.
这位是提姆·阿诺德 。
He's the director of stuff and things at the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas.
拉斯维加斯弹珠名人堂管着管那的主任 。
Pinball Hall of Fame is an old auto parts store with a bunch of pinball machines we dug out of dumpsters.
弹珠名人堂卖废旧的汽车零部件,还有我们从垃圾桶里掏出来的一大堆弹珠游戏机 。
No, no, no, it's a marvelous museum full of antique treasures
that have been lovingly restored to their original condition that we actually let the public come in and play.
通过精心的修复,如今这个博物馆已经恢复了原来的模样,大家也可以进来玩 。
We have games from the '30s on up to today's modern games.
从30年代以来的游戏我们都有 。
I've seen people walking down an aisle full of pinball machines and they'll stop dead.
我看到大家经过到处都是弹珠游戏机的过道时,他们整个人都走不动道了 。
I. I. I.The first time I kissed a girl was, I was playing that game, and I can't believe it's here again!
This is not something that can be digitized and sent down the pipes on the internet.
这种游戏你是没有办法把它数字化然后转移到网上的 。
This is something that only exists in the real world and the only place to play it is here.
这种游戏就只能在现实世界里玩儿,而且只要这里才有 。
Okay, Tim, we're sold. Who's got change for a dollar?
好吧,蒂姆,我们买账了 。谁有一块钱的零钱?
My name's Kristine Reynolds.
我是克里斯汀·雷诺兹 。
She's the general manager at downtown Container Park.
她是市中心的集装箱游乐园的总经理 。
Which is completely made of shipping containers!
We wanted to re-use materials instead of just building from scratch.
我们想二次利用,而不是从头开始修建 。
Container Park prides itself on helping out Mom and Pop-type of brands.
集装箱游乐园为的就是给一些独立经营的小本生意创造商机 。
There are unusual shops, like Kappa Toys, which specializes in throwback toys.
游乐园里入驻的店铺都比较特别,比如“靠背玩具店”是专门卖复古玩具的 。
And there's exceptional grub to be had, too.
他们的食物也是别具一格 。
And let's not forget about the mantis.
还有,不要忘了螳螂喔 。
And this guy, who makes her move.
还有这个让它动起来的哥们儿 。
Our last stop in downtown Las Vegas is a totally novel, literary adventure.
我们在拉斯维加斯市中心的最后一站是一个完全新颖的文学冒险 。
I am Drew Cohen.
我是德鲁·科恩 。
My husband and I own The Writer's Block together, so you could say we're a Pop and Pop establishment.
我和我先生一期开了这家“作家的大厦”,所以,你也可以说我们是家庭生意 。
We have a lot of kooky installations and objects in the store.
我们店里有卖各种各样奇怪的装置和东西 。
We have an antique letter press from 1890.
我们还有一个1890年的古董打字机 。
We have a machine called Bearsho who will produce a haiku on demand for 25 cents.
我们有一台名叫Bearsho的机器,投25美分进去它就会写一句俳句 。
We have a mailbox that belongs to the king pigeon,
and you can leave a question in an envelope and return in one week for your answer.
你可以在信封里留一个问题,一周之内就能受到答案 。
And it all goes to support free writing classes for local students.
而他们做的这一切都是为了支持当地学生的免费写作课程 。
So there you have it.
好了,我们介绍完了 。
Three delightfully strange places you can only find off the beaten path in Vegas.
你只能在拉斯维加斯的人迹罕至的地方找到的三个非常讨人喜欢而又颇为奇怪的地方 。
This city is a very eccentric one.
这个城市本来就比较古怪 。
You can encounter a lot of really wacko and awesome businesses if you are willing to venture out a little bit.
只要你愿意冒一点点险,就能邂逅很多古怪而酷炫的地方 。
If you want to do shopping, there's shopping.
如果你想购物,这里有的是可以购物的地方 。
The night life here is amazing.
这里的夜生活也非常棒 。
It really is something you can't see in your hometown, and that's the definition of why you come to Vegas.
这里有你在你的家乡绝对看不到的东西,这就是你为什么要来维加斯的原因 。
It has dancing fountains and pinball museums and all sorts of goofy stuff.
这里有音乐喷泉,有弹珠博物馆,有各种各样奇奇怪怪的东西 。
So next time you're in Vegas, try straying from the strip.
所以,你下次来维加斯的时候,不妨避开维加斯大道试试 。