Should a flood hit, Japan is ready.
要是洪灾来了,日本就已经做好准备了 。
And their solution is the largest underground water facility in the world.
他们的解决方案是世界上最大的地下水利设施 。
About an hour outside of Tokyo is the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel.
大都会地区外围地下排水道距东京约一小时路程 。
This tunnel sits 160 feet underground, and is around 4 miles in length.
该排水道位于地下约50米深处,长约6.5公里 。
Inside is a network of large vertical shafts that store flood waters.
里面是一根根用于存储洪水的大型立柱 。
The giant tunnels were built because this area of Japan was constantly flooding.
之所以修建这一巨型隧道是因为日本这个地区洪灾不断 。
Now, instead of inundating nearby towns,
the water flows underground and is diverted to a river that can handle the influx of water, making sure more than nine million residents stay dry.
而是流入地下,引入能够容纳大量水流的河流,确保900多万居民不沾上洪水 。