Let's play a game. Think of a famous painting.
我们来玩个游戏吧 。就想一幅著名的绘画作品吧 。
Guess what? You just thought of me.
你猜怎么着?你刚好想到了我耶 。
Today, I'm the world's most renowned work of art, but it wasn't always this way.
现在,我已然成为世上最负盛名的艺术作品,可原先并非如此 。
My story is full of surprises, and it all began in a studio in Florence.
我的故事充满了意外,一切还得从佛罗伦萨的一个工作室说起 。
Well, here's the master himself, Leonardo da Vinci.
He worked on me on and off for a few years towards the end of his career.
他在我身上前前后后花了好几年的时间,直到他事业接近尾声才完成 。
You're a minor work, my dear, some interesting shading, nothing more.
你不过是一幅二流的作品,亲爱的,也就是明暗处理得还算有趣,仅此而已 。
We'll just see about that.
好吧,那我们拭目以待 。
Over the next 300 years, I hung quietly in French palaces and royal bathrooms.
在接下来的300年里,我都被安静地挂在法国宫廷或是贵族浴室里 。
The things I've seen... (I want you.)
我见过的……都是"我要得到你"之类的事 。
Until finally I was noticed by a man who had already made quite a name for himself.
最终,一个已经有些名气的人注意到我了 。
When Napoleon chose me to hang on his bedroom wall, people took notice.
自拿破仑选择把我挂在他卧室的墙壁上时起,人们开始关注我了 。
I look forward to sleeping with you, my cherie.
After he had his whole exile from France thing, they tossed me on a wall at The Louvre.
经历了法国那摊子事儿的拿破仑被彻底放逐之后,他们把我扔在了卢浮宫博物馆的墙上 。
But at this point, I was still just another Renaissance portrait. Until one night.
然而,那时我仍旧只是文艺复兴时期的一座普通雕像,直到有一个晚上 。
(Bella.) I was stolen! It was pandemonium. Paris was in an uproar.
(美人儿)我被偷了!此事引起了轩然大波 。巴黎陷入了一片骚动 。
The police hauled people in left and right.
人们纷纷接到了警察的传讯 。
The hysteria hit a fever pitch when the police suspected and interrogated one of the most famous artists in the world, Pablo Picasso.
警察甚至怀疑并质询了全世界最负盛名的画家之一——巴勃罗·毕加索,彼时,人们的猜测达到了空前的高度 。
But Picasso was innocent.
但毕加索是清白的 。
The thief turned out to be an Italian carpenter.
盗贼原来是意大利的一个木匠 。
He was caught in Florence.
他在佛罗伦萨被捕了 。
Mama mia.
我的天啦 。
And I returned to The Louvre.
我重新回到了卢浮宫 。
From that day forward, I became the darling of the art world.
从那以后,我就成了艺术界的宠儿 。
Everyone wanted to see Napoleon's da Vinci painting Picasso was suspected of stealing.
人人都想见识一下拿破仑的那幅达·芬奇的画,那幅被怀疑是毕加索偷了的画 。
Soon, tourists crowded in and most people forgot why I was famous in the first place.
不久,游客纷纷涌入卢浮宫,但很少有人还记得我当初是怎么红的 。
That might raise some eyebrows, but not mine since I don't have any.
或许有人要皱眉表示疑问了,但我可不会,因为我压根儿就没有眉毛 。
Oh, you didn't notice I don't have any eyebrows?
I told you, I'm full of surprises.
跟你说了啊,我从头到脚都是意外啊 。