日期:2018-08-01 06:06
Because it's time for our segment, Thank GIF it's Friday.
因为到了“感谢GIF 今天周五”的环节了
Wow. These are short videos with words that people post on the internet.
哇哦 有很多人们放在网上的带有文字的短视频
Here's the first one. When you get out of the shower and your towel's in the other room.
这是第一个 当你洗完澡出来却发现毛巾在另一个房间里
And here's another one. Me on Valentine's Day.
另一个 情人节的我
Here's another one. After the dentist numbs you.
下一个 牙医给自己麻醉后
Here's another one. When your cat crashes his bicycle in his dreams.
下一个 当你的猫在睡梦中撞坏了自行车的时候
OK, and finally, there is this.
好 最后 是这个
How my children react when I ask them to do anything.
只要让我的孩子做事 他们就是这种反应