This Great Big Story was made possible by Wells Fargo. Established 1852. Re-established 2018.
感谢创立于1852年,重组于2018年的富国银行对本期《伟大的故事》的大力支持 。
Once a bountiful fish found in the deep and rocky waters along the U.S. South Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico,
overfishing now poses a serious threat to their ability to reproduce.
如今,过度捕捞对这种鱼的繁殖能力构成了严重的威胁 。
This is the snowy grouper.
这就雪花石斑鱼 。
The snowy grouper is named for the white spots that speckle its scales.
雪花石斑鱼,得名于其鳞片上的白色斑点 。
As the groupers grow, these spots tend to blend into the fish's natural brown color.
随着它们长大,这些斑点就会融入它们身体原有的棕色 。
They will often eat crabs and small squid that they swallow whole with their large mouths.
雪花石斑鱼通常以螃蟹和小鱿鱼为食,偌大的鱼嘴能够直接将它们吞下 。
Snowy groupers all begin life as females, but as they age, some become males.
雪花石斑鱼年幼时全系雌性,随着年龄的增长,一部分会变成雄性 。
Since the 1990s, overfishing of juveniles has affected populations,
because not enough fish reach maturity to change sex.
因为没有足够数量的鱼长到性成熟继而变性 。
Regulations were put in place, but not enough was done to slow the overfishing of the species.
尽管如今已有相关的法律法规,然而,光靠这些法律,还是无法放慢对该种鱼过度捕捞的速度 。
The snowy grouper is now listed as vulnerable, and its populations continue to decline.
雪花石斑鱼现已被列为渐危种,而且其数量仍在继续下降 。
This is the snowy grouper.
这就是雪花石斑鱼 。