We gonna go ahead and get situated.
我们继续,摸清形势 。
This is the finance program, and we always like to see new faces.
欢迎来到“财务计划”课堂,我们随时欢迎新面孔的到来 。
When you come to Wall Street's financial literacy class,
you're gonna see people with tattoos and dreds,
and just people you normally wouldn't expect to see learning finance.
反正就是你平时在金融课上没有机会看到的那些人 。
You're gonna see people with all different backgrounds looking for hope.
你会看到,虽然他们有着不同的背景,但他们都是在追寻希望 。
He makes it universal.
是他打破了学金融的背景门槛 。
If I tell you I'll give you the 50 bucks, but I want you to pay me back $50 in interest, what you gonna say?
I'm gonna say "no." You gonna say what? No. And why you gonna say no?
“不行” 。你觉得怎么样?不行 。为什么不行?
They call me Wall Street because I teach all of the financial classes here at San Quentin.
大家都叫我“华尔街”,因为圣昆丁监狱所有的金融课程都是我在教 。
I've been teaching financial education for about 10 years now.
我已经教了差不多10年的金融课了 。
I am in prison for participating in a robbery-murder,
and I was sentenced to 54 years to life in prison for that crime,
and I've been incarcerated now for 22 years.
到现在已经关了22年了 。
These are the stocks that I picked, MasterCard, I got at 89, they're at 200.
这些是我买的股票,万事达卡,我买的时候是89美分,现在已经涨到200美分了 。
Wall Street came to prison illiterate.
华尔街刚进来的时候还是个文盲 。
He doesn't have a college education to this day;
he only has a GED, and yet, this guy is successfully trading from prison.
他只有高中文凭,但他竟然真的在监狱里做起了股票生意 。
Marcelli, who had come from juvenile hall with me,
he would read the sports page to me, he'd be like, man, go get it; and I'll read it, and I grabbed the paper, and I was like, I got it.
他会给我读报纸上的体育新闻,读的时候他就跟我说,“兄弟,你拿过来我就给你念”;然后我就过去拿呗 。
When I turned around, an older guy said, "Hey, man, you play the stock market?"
And I realized that I picked up the business section instead of the sports page.
我才发现我拿的是股票新闻,不是体育新闻 。
I was like, ah, man, and I asked him what the stock market was, and he told me, he said, that's the place where white folks keep all their money.
我当时的反应就是,“啊,不是吧,”我就问他什么是股票,他告诉我,股票就是白人把所有的钱都存起来的地方 。
And that's when I really first discovered the stock market.
那就是我第一次接触股票的情形 。
So, I started teaching myself how to read.
于是,我开始自学认字 。
Family or friends on the outside opened up online brokerage accounts,
and I basically told them what to buy and when to buy and when to sell.
我主要就是告诉他们买哪支,什么时候买,什么时候卖 。
And it was just simply, it was really just that easy.
真的就是这么简单,真的 。
This is the finance program, but I don't teach about finance.
这门课叫“财务计划”,但我要教的并不是财务 。
I teach financial empowerment emotional literacy.
我要教的是金融赋予的情感素养 。
That's what I teach.
这就是我要教的内容 。
So, I think financial education is important for incarcerated people,
given that the crimes that are committed are financially motivated and driven.
因为他们就是为了谋财才犯的罪 。
When I learned about financial education myself,
I thought that would be something that other men in my same situation could benefit from.
就觉得和我有着同样遭遇的人也能够从中受益 。
And so now the program teaches incarcerated men
how to better manage their emotions and relations to their financial standing.
如何更好地管理自己的情绪,如何更好地面对自己的财务状况 。
So, you gotta weigh your strategies when you're talking about giving yourself room to start saving money.
所以,准备开始存钱的时候,你就得权衡你的策略 。
When you're traumatized you do a lot of things you don't know why you're doing them.
受到创伤的时候,你做的很多事情,连你自己也不知道你为什么会那么做 。
And that happens with finance, too.
在金融问题上也是一样 。
I suffered a lot of trauma in my life, and my trauma culminated in me murdering a man.
我一辈子也遭受了很多创伤,最严重的一次是我杀了一个人 。
So, while this is very important to me because I do need to manage my money and manage my life,
what's most important is that I'm managing my emotional responsibilities,
because the last time I didn't do that, a man lost his life.
因为上一次我放任自己的时候,有人付出了生命的代价 。
I don't think you can have full rehabilitation without financial education.
在我看来,没有接受过经济教育是无法完全康复的 。
I can make amends for the crimes that I've done, I can even stop doing the things that I've done,
but I think for people who were criminals, when you empower those people,
and they know that they don't have to commit a crime like I did,
when I learned I didn't have to commit crime,
it was like, wow, I can really make something of my life and not have to be a criminal.
我就觉得,“哇,我真的能够干一番事业,真的不用再犯法了” 。