There are many surprising stories on the stage of world history.
世界历史舞台上上演过许多意外 。
The invention of the automobile is one.
汽车的发明就是其中之一 。
And, so, our play begins.
我们的故事也是从这里拉开了帷幕 。
In the 1670s, Ferdinand Verbiest was a Flemish Missionary and scientist.
十七世纪七十年代,费迪南德·韦尔比斯特曾是弗拉芒地区的一名传教士兼科学家 。
He was sent to visit the court of the Kangxi Emperor in China.
他被派往参观中国康熙皇帝的皇宫 。
The emperor's court was a dangerous place.
而皇宫是个危险的地方 。
When Verbiest arrived, he was held prisoner, almost chopped to bits.
到达中国后韦尔比斯特被囚禁了起来,差点被剁成肉酱 。
But instead was forced to compete in a series of math and astronomy contests.
You know, like you do.
就像大家参加竞赛时一样 。
Ultimately, Verbiest's performance so impressed the emperor,
he banished the current astronomer and gave Verbiest the job.
皇帝赶走了当时的天文学家,将这份工作交给了韦尔比斯特 。
Over the years they became friends.
多年后,他们成了朋友 。
Verbiest tutored the emperor in geometry, philosophy and music.
韦尔比斯特还成了皇帝的几何,哲学和音乐老师 。
Around 1672, Verbiest designed, as a toy for his friend the emperor, a steam propelled trolley.
1672年左右,韦尔比斯特设计了一台蒸汽驱动的推车,原本是想作为玩具送给他的皇帝朋友 。
It was an automobile in the truest sense.
但那的确是一台货真价实的汽车 。
No one really knows if it got built. The drawings that Verbiest did are all that remains.
Nonetheless, those designs are most likely the earliest self-moving machine ever conceived.
Many automobiles would follow over the years, but few were conceived as a gift to a merciful emperor/BFF.
尽管各种各样的汽车随后相继出现,但很少像韦尔比斯特的设计一样被当做礼物送给仁慈的皇帝/铁哥们儿 。