Voice 2: The project began in 1990. It was called "The Human Genome Project". The scientists expected the project to take fifteen years to complete. Scientists in Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Mexico and many other countries also set up their own genome projects. And many other countries helped by providing information and money.
声音2:这个项目于1990年启动 。名为“人类基因组计划” 。科学家希望该项目能在15年内完成 。澳大利亚、巴西、德国、日本、墨西哥和许多其他国家的科学家也设立了基因计划 。另有多个国家在信息和资金方面提供帮助 。
Voice 1: The scientists did not use one person’s complete set of DNA. Instead, they collected genetic examples from people all over the world. They knew that this would be enough for them to study.
声音1:科学家并没有只用一个人的全套DNA进行研究 。相反,他们收集了世界各地人们的基因样本 。他们知道,这足够他们研究了 。
Voice 2: Scientists used computers to help them map the DNA. The DNA code is a series of letters. The computers wrote out the letters in the DNA code. This is called decoding the DNA. The DNA code contains three thousand million letters. That is a very long code! But the computers were very fast. And every second, they decoded twelve thousand letters of the DNA code.
声音2:科学家在电脑上绘制DNA 。DNA密码是一系列字母 。电脑写出了DNA密码的字母 。这被称为解密DNA 。DNA密码包括30亿个字母 。这是一串非常长的密码!但是电脑速度非常快 。电脑每秒可解密DNA密码中的1.2万个字母 。