Voice 2: Suicide is not usually a quick decision. In the days or hours before people kill themselves, there are usually signs. The strongest signs are verbal. They are the words that people say. For example, people may say, "I cannot go on," or "I have no reason to live," or "I am thinking of ending everything." People should listen to a person who says these things.
声音2:一般来说,自杀并不是迅速作出的决定 。在一个人自杀的前几天或前几个小时,通常会有一些征兆 。最明显的征兆会通过语言显现出来 。也就是打算自杀的人说的话 。比如,这些人可能会说,“我无法继续了”或是“我没有活下去的理由”或是“我想结束一切” 。对于说出这些话的人,人们应该去倾听 。
Voice 1: But not all warning signs are verbal. If a person is depressed, she may stay away from family or friends. Or a person may act recklessly. That is, she may begin to use drugs. Or, he may begin to harm his body on purpose. People who want to kill themselves may change their behaviour. They may start to give their things away to other people. And they may change the way they look.
声音1:但是并不是所有预警征兆都是语言上的 。如果一个人很抑郁,她可能会远离家人和朋友 。他们还会恣意胡来 。她可能会开始吸毒 。或者他可能会开始故意自我伤害 。打算自杀的人在行为上也会发生改变 。他们可能开始把自己的东西送给别人 。他们也可能会改变他们的外貌 。
Voice 2: Crying a lot and fighting with other people are also warning signs. Lack of energy, strange sleep patterns and lack of hunger are warning signs too. People who feel helpless, rejected, or very sad may have feelings of suicide.
声音2:时常哭泣以及和他人打架也是预警征兆 。精力不足、奇怪的睡眠模式以及没有饥饿感同样是预警征兆 。那些感觉无助、被抛弃或是极其悲伤的人可能产生自杀感 。