Voice 1: Human traffickers trick millions of adults and children, just like Liu. Traffickers force them into slave labour. Many children are tricked into working in the sex trade. Rosa is from Mexico. Here is her story,
声音1:人口走私犯欺骗了数百万名成人和儿童,就像欺骗刘一样 。人口走私犯强迫他们成为奴隶劳工 。许多儿童被骗去从事性交易 。罗莎来自墨西哥 。下面来听听她的故事 。
Voice 3: I was fourteen when the man came to my parent's house. He asked me if I wanted to make money in the United States. He told me about all the other Mexican girls there - like me. They were earning much more money. I could do the same job there - work in a hotel.
声音3:我14岁的时候,一个男人来到我父母的房子 。他问我想不想去美国挣钱 。他和我讲了在美国的其他墨西哥女孩的事情,这些女孩和我差不多 。她们挣的钱更多 。我也能在美国做同样的工作,一份在酒店的工作 。
It was my dream to travel! My parents did not want me to go. But, finally I persuaded them!
旅行是我的梦想!我父母不希望我去 。可是,最终我说服了他们!
I did not have money or official papers. But, some men took me into the US illegally. It was then that my dream was broken. They told me that my job would be having sex with men, for money. I would be selling my body.
我没有钱也没有正式文件 。但是,几个男人能非法的方式把我带去了美国 。然后,我的梦想就破碎了 。他们跟我说,我的工作就是通过和男人们发生性关系来挣钱 。我要出卖自己的身体 。
I had been a virgin up to then, but the men raped me - again and again. And so it began. It was like a long terrible dream.
在那之前我还是处女,但是那些男人一次又一次地强奸了我 。事情就是这么开始的 。那就像一场又长又可怕的噩梦 。