You take, you know, probably the worst turbulence you've kind of experienced
想象一下你, 你可能经历过的最危险的气流,
and multiple it by about 10, and that's the potential that we're going into.
That's the voice of Justin Kibbey. He's a pilot.
这位是贾斯汀·基比 。他是个飞行员
My job title says Hurricane Hunter pilot.
我的职称是飓风猎人飞行员 。
Yeah, he flies planes through hurricanes.
没错,他驾驶飞机穿过飓风 。
It's all in the name of science.
一切都是为了科学 。
He works for NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
他在NOAA工作,也就是国家海洋和大气管理局 。
These missions are for data gathering, to track and study hurricane paths and movements.
这些任务是为了收集数据, 跟踪并研究飓风的路径和活动 。
But Justin Kibbey and I aren't talking about data.
We're talking about what it feels like to fly an airplane through a hurricane.
而是驾驶飞机穿越飓风是种怎样的体验 。
It starts to get cloudy.
天空开始变得阴云密布 。
And once you're in the storm, you'll start to hear rain hitting the windscreen.
进入暴风后, 就会听到大雨拍打挡风玻璃的声音 。
It can be very loud.
声音非常大 。
It surrounds you, it surrounds the whole plane.
你被包围了,整个飞机都被飓风包围了 。
Probably the best way to describe it is if you have ever lived in a house with a tin roof.
也许最贴切的形容就是,像住在铁皮屋顶盖的房子里一样 。
It's hard to hold a conversation inside.
在里面根本没法儿聊天 。
These are the conditions Hurricane Hunters fly through every time they go on a mission,
because the point of flying through a hurricane is to fly through it and get to the eye.
因为穿越飓风就是要从飓风中飞过去,到达飓风眼 。
And he was telling me about the first time he ever did that.
And that was 2010.
那是2010年 。
We were flying into Hurricane Earl.
我们要飞进厄尔飓风眼里 。
What's the latest information we're getting about Earl, Chad?
135 miles per hour and still getting stronger.
现在的时速是每小时135英里,而且还在继续变强 。
And then, I remember breaking out into the eye of the storm.
然后, 我记得,闯入风眼的那一刻 。
Everything just kinda stopped. Everything.
一切都停了 。一切 。
The noise stopped, the lightning stopped.
噪音没有了,闪电也没了 。
It was pitch black out, you could see stars above you.
外面一片漆黑,还能看见星星 。
It was really beautiful, serene; it was quiet, and it was a holy shit moment.
那一刻真的很美,很平静;很安静,也让人很抓狂 。
What did we just do? What just happened?
And a bolt of lightning lit up the entire outbound eye wall where I could see it visually.
闪电照亮了整个风眼的外沿, 我可以清清楚楚地看见那个边儿 。
And all of a sudden, I was like, "Oh man, that's gonna be scary."
我一下子感到,“哇哦,要飞进了就吓人了 。”
It was a rough ride on the way out, but I'll never forget it.
飞出去的时候很艰难,我永远也不会忘记那次经历 。
It was probably one of the coolest that I've been on.
那可能是我完成的任务中最酷的一次了吧 。