?This is Charlie Hall. Hi, I'm Charlie Hall.
这位是查理·霍尔 。大家好,我是查理·霍尔
This is Charlie Hall's kitchen. I make a fabulous cup of coffee.
这里是查理的厨房,我做的咖啡超级好喝噢 。
This is where Charlie Hall sleeps. This is it, the waterbed.
这里则是查理的卧室 。就是这个啦,就是这个水床 。
And that bed is whole reason we're here.
这个床就是我们此行的目的 。
It's sensuous. It's like taking your bed to bed with you.
它不仅美观,还能让你的床与你完美融合 。
Charlie Hall invented waterbeds.
水床的发明者就是查理·霍尔 。
I currently own three waterbeds.
我现在有三个水床 。
Charlie created a counterculture alternative back in the ’70s.
早在上个世纪七十年代,查理就发明了一种反主流文化的东西 。
Remember the ‘70s and fern bars?
It was like, for the groovy people. All right, you're too young for fern bars.
那时,常绿酒吧可是时尚达人的宠儿 。好吧,你们太年轻了,所以对这段历史都不了解 。
In the ’80s, they were as mainstream as they can get.
到了八十年代,水床可谓是要多主流有多主流 。
You could walk into any store in America and buy a waterbed. How groovy is that?
At their peak, more than one in five of the beds sold in the United States were filled with water.
在水床最火的时候,美国每卖出五张床,就至少有一张里是装满水的 。
But it all started with a novel idea Charlie had when he was in grad school in the late ‘60s.
然而,这一切都来源于六十年代末查理还在研究生院学习时产生的一个新奇想法 。
He had an assignment to analyze and improve human comfort.
那时,他有一项分析并改善人体舒适度的作业 。
So, I talked to physical therapists and doctors
and a whirlpool bath came up as a frequently mentioned item about a soothing temperature and water.
发现在谈到让人舒缓的温度和水时,理疗师和医生经常会提到漩涡浴 。
Charlie's first prototype was a chair filed with Jell-O, but there was a problem.
查理试验的第一个模型是用果冻填充而成的一种椅子,然而,这一模型有一个问题 。
That was 300 pounds and not terribly practical around your living room unless you had a forklift.
这个椅子重达136kg,如果没有叉车,很难在客厅附近方便使用 。
So Charlie switched gears and focused on beds.
所以,查理放弃了这一方案,转而研究起了床 。
The bed evolved into a water-filled chamber.
这就是水床的来历 。
I discovered very quickly you needed to compensate for the temperature.
很快我就发现,我需要给这种水床做温度补偿 。
So he added temperature control.
所以他增加了温度控制 。
And when he showed the assignment to the class.
Everybody loved it and they couldn't get enough of it.
获得了大家的一致好评,大家对这种床简直是爱不释手 。
And guess what? Charlie got an A.
结果怎么样呢?查理的作业得了A 。
The original waterbed patent.
这是我的水床获得的专利 。
I applied for a patent shortly after I developed the product and I got a sense it was gonna be a success.
研发出这个产品不久我就申请了专利,当时我就预感到这个专利能够申请成功 。
Charlie is still a self-proclaimed water man.
如今,查理仍旧自称“水畔之人” 。
This is Charlie's view.
这是查理眼里的风景 。
This is his boat, and this is Charlie with his latest invention.
这是他的船,这是带着自己最新发明的查理 。
Inflatable kayaks that store in the trunk of your car and paddle like a real, nice boat.
他的最新发明就是能够放入后备箱,又能像真正的一条好船一样划的充气式皮划艇 。
Okay, that's great. Back to waterbeds.
很好 。我们还是回到水床的话题上来吧 。
The second coming is upon us. The new version will blow the old waterbed out of the water.
第二次圣临即将到来 。新升级的水床完全颠覆了传统的水床 。
Pun intended? Yes, pun intended.
一语双关吗?没错,就是一语双关 。