We used to plant all of our crops by the start of the year,
and we didn't get anything at all from our farms because we didn't have enough rainfall.
但往往是颗粒无收,因为雨水不够多 。
So it is the sisal that is the best crop that can withstand the drought.
所以,剑麻这种耐干旱的作物就成了最好的种植对象 。
Welcome to my workshop.
欢迎来到我的作坊 。
I'm called Alex Odundo, and I'm an innovator of simple agricultural machines.
我是Alex Odundo,我发明了一个简单的农具 。
According to the UN, Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change,
due to it's poverty levels, scarce water sources, and rain-fed farmland.
因为这里极度贫困,水资源匮乏,农田全靠雨养 。
Farmers here in Kenya are being forced to look for new, more drought-resistant options to grow when traditional crops fail.
传统作物歉收,肯尼亚的农民不得不转向其他耐旱性更强的作物 。
This is where sisal comes in.
剑麻由此成为肯尼亚人民的新选择 。
Sisal is built for harsher climates.
剑麻天生就是为严酷的气候而生的作物 。
Under it's green exterior are strong fibers that are useful in making all sorts of things.
剑麻碧绿的外表下有着既坚韧又应用极广的纤维 。
There's just one problem.
只是有一个问题 。
You can see the initial stages are very labor intensive.
看得出来,剑麻的初加工是非常消耗劳力的 。
So this takes a long time.
用这种方法加工耗时很长 。
Because my mother used to do this and she could only get a little fiber throughout the day.
我妈妈过去就是这么做的,一整天也收不了多少麻 。
She was selling the product to buy us some school books, uniforms, buy us food.
那时她就是靠卖麻给我们买课本,买校服,买吃的 。
As a young boy, I liked science.
小时候我就很喜欢科学 。
I promised my mother that one day I will give you a machine that is going to help you process much more fiber.
我曾经信誓旦旦地跟我妈妈说,我一定会给她一个能帮她抽更多的麻的机器 。
Building that machine took a long time.
发明这个机器花了我很长时间 。
In that journey, I can remember eight prototypes, and the ninth one is the one that worked.
我记得我之前弄了8个模型,真正能用的是第九个 。
This is the Sisal Decorticator.
这个就是剑麻脱渣机 。
This was Alex's first invention. It can strip sisal fibers in seconds.
这个是Alex的首次发明,用这个机器剥剑麻纤维只要几秒钟 。
These fibers can be sold for 20 shillings per kilo.
这些纤维每公斤可以卖20先令 。
But this wasn't enough for Alex.
但对Alex并不满足于这一项发明 。
This is the Sisal Twinner.
This machine turns the fibers into rope, which adds value of almost 180%.
这个机器能够把纤维加工成绳,使纤维价值提高了将近1.8倍 。
The rope can be used to make a variety of items, like bags and mats.
加工出来的绳子有很多用途,比如编织成包或地毯 。
So far, I've sold a total, it's more than 100 machines.
到目前为止我已经卖出了100多台机器 。
When they buy machines from me, I encourage them to plant more sisal.
当有人来跟我买机器的时候我就会鼓励他们多种剑麻 。
At least one acre, so that if they fail to get those other crops, then they are able to get therir finances from the sisal plant.
少说一英亩(约0.4公顷),这样要是其他作物歉收,他们也能靠剑麻补贴家用 。
I can not give them a handout everyday.
我不能每天都救济他们 。
But if I teach them something that is going to help them in their entire lives,
then I think that will be very important for me.
我觉得这个才是我在乎的 。
And that's why I think sisal is one of the things that I can take to them.
这也是为什么我要介绍他们剑麻之类的作物的原因 。
And if they buy the idea, then I believe their life will not remain the same agaain.
如果他们接受了我的建议,我相信他们的生活一定会有所改变 。
We used to plant all of our crops by the start of the year,
and we didn't get anything at all from our farms because we didn't have enough rainfall.
但往往是颗粒无收,因为雨水不够多 。
So it is the sisal that is the best crop that can withstand the drought.
所以,剑麻这种耐干旱的作物就成了最好的种植对象 。
Welcome to my workshop.
欢迎来到我的作坊 。
I'm called Alex Odundo, and I'm an innovator of simple agricultural machines.
我是Alex Odundo,我发明了一个简单的农具 。
According to the UN, Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change,
due to it's poverty levels, scarce water sources, and rain-fed farmland.
因为这里极度贫困,水资源匮乏,农田全靠雨养 。
Farmers here in Kenya are being forced to look for new, more drought-resistant options to grow when traditional crops fail.
传统作物歉收,肯尼亚的农民不得不转向其他耐旱性更强的作物 。
This is where sisal comes in.
剑麻由此成为肯尼亚人民的新选择 。
Sisal is built for harsher climates.
剑麻天生就是为严酷的气候而生的作物 。
Under it's green exterior are strong fibers that are useful in making all sorts of things.
剑麻碧绿的外表下有着既坚韧又应用极广的纤维 。
There's just one problem.
只是有一个问题 。
You can see the initial stages are very labor intensive.
看得出来,剑麻的初加工是非常消耗劳力的 。
So this takes a long time.
用这种方法加工耗时很长 。
Because my mother used to do this and she could only get a little fiber throughout the day.
我妈妈过去就是这么做的,一整天也收不了多少麻 。
She was selling the product to buy us some school books, uniforms, buy us food.
那时她就是靠卖麻给我们买课本,买校服,买吃的 。
As a young boy, I liked science.
小时候我就很喜欢科学 。
I promised my mother that one day I will give you a machine that is going to help you process much more fiber.
我曾经信誓旦旦地跟我妈妈说,我一定会给她一个能帮她抽更多的麻的机器 。
Building that machine took a long time.
发明这个机器花了我很长时间 。
In that journey, I can remember eight prototypes, and the ninth one is the one that worked.
我记得我之前弄了8个模型,真正能用的是第九个 。
This is the Sisal Decorticator.
这个就是剑麻脱渣机 。
This was Alex's first invention. It can strip sisal fibers in seconds.
这个是Alex的首次发明,用这个机器剥剑麻纤维只要几秒钟 。
These fibers can be sold for 20 shillings per kilo.
这些纤维每公斤可以卖20先令 。
But this wasn't enough for Alex.
但对Alex并不满足于这一项发明 。
This is the Sisal Twinner.
This machine turns the fibers into rope, which adds value of almost 180%.
这个机器能够把纤维加工成绳,使纤维价值提高了将近1.8倍 。
The rope can be used to make a variety of items, like bags and mats.
加工出来的绳子有很多用途,比如编织成包或地毯 。
So far, I've sold a total, it's more than 100 machines.
到目前为止我已经卖出了100多台机器 。
When they buy machines from me, I encourage them to plant more sisal.
当有人来跟我买机器的时候我就会鼓励他们多种剑麻 。
At least one acre, so that if they fail to get those other crops, then they are able to get therir finances from the sisal plant.
少说一英亩(约0.4公顷),这样要是其他作物歉收,他们也能靠剑麻补贴家用 。
I can not give them a handout everyday.
我不能每天都救济他们 。
But if I teach them something that is going to help them in their entire lives,
then I think that will be very important for me.
我觉得这个才是我在乎的 。
And that's why I think sisal is one of the things that I can take to them.
这也是为什么我要介绍他们剑麻之类的作物的原因 。
And if they buy the idea, then I believe their life will not remain the same agaain.
如果他们接受了我的建议,我相信他们的生活一定会有所改变 。