A two-hour boat ride off the coast of Colombia is an island, the most densely-populated island on earth.
距离哥伦比亚海滩两小时水路的地方有一座小岛,这里是世界上人口最密集的岛屿 。
Santa Cruz del Islote consists of more than 1,200 people, living on land the size of two soccer fields, making it four times as dense as Manhattan.
1200多人住在两个足球场大小的圣克鲁斯-伊斯洛特岛上,人口密度比曼哈顿还高出三倍 。
On the island is a school that runs up to the 10th grade, two shops, and one restaurant.
岛上有一所十年制的学校,两家商店和一家餐厅 。
There is no steady supply of water and a sole generator that only runs for five hours per day.
岛上淡水供给时好时坏,唯一的发电机一天也只工作5小时 。
There are no police, but there isn't much need for them, as everyone on the island knows each other.
岛上没有警察,不过他们也不需要警察,因为大家彼此都认识 。
150 years ago, the island was primarily uninhabited and was sometimes used by local fishermen as a place to rest and take shelter during storms.
150年前,小岛上还没什么人住,只有附近的渔民偶尔会在风暴期间来岛上休息 。
Gradually, some fishermen came to build their homes here.
从此陆陆续续就有了渔民来这里安家落户 。
These were the grandparents and great-grandparents of the current generation of residents.
他们就是当代居民的祖辈曾祖辈 。
Despite the close living quarters, inhabitants on the island say they wouldn't give up their peaceful existence for anything, not even a little more room.
尽管居住空间比较逼仄,岛民们却表示,他们无论如何也不愿放弃现在那种闲适的生活,宽敞点儿也不愿意 。