An American hero is on that train. Her name? Kate Warne.
这列火车上载着一位美国英雄 。她的名字?凯特·沃恩
She was the first woman detective in the U.S. , and on that very train she saved Abraham Lincoln's life.
她是美国历史上第一名女性侦探,而且,就在这列火车上,她挽救了亚拉伯罕·林肯的生命 。
When Kate Warne applied for a position in the Pinkerton Detective Agency, the detectives tried to turn her away.
凯特·沃恩想在平克顿全国侦探事务所谋个职位,但事务所的侦探企图拒绝她 。
They didn't think a woman could do the job.
他们认为女人胜任不了那份工作 。
Kate argued the women can be very good at uncovering secrets.
凯特辩解到,女人擅长揭秘 。
She won the men over and became America's first female detective.
她说服了那些男人,成了美国历史上第一名女性侦探 。
She proved to be a gifted investigator, working many cases and going undercover in the years leading up to the Civil War.
她经手了大量案件,还在内战前夕做过卧底,她用行动证明了自己过人的侦探天赋 。
In disguise as a rich southern socialite, Kate uncovered a plot to assassinate newly-elected Abraham Lincoln.
通过假扮成一位富裕的南方名媛,凯特揭露了一起暗杀刚刚当选的林肯总统的阴谋 。
The killers planned to intercept him along the train route on his way to take office.
杀手打算在林肯去就职的路上在火车上将其截住 。
Kate and her agency worked with the president-elect to carry out a daring plan.
凯特带着她的人与候任总统展开了一项大胆的计划 。
After a dinner in Philadelphia, Lincoln threw on a disguise and snuck to the train depot in secret.
He met up with Kate, who posed as his sister.
与假扮成他姐妹的凯特见面 。
She had bribed the conductor to reserve the back of the train car to hide her and the undercover president-elect.
凯特已经事先给了列车长一大笔钱,预订了火车尾部的一节车厢供自己和乔装的候任总统藏身 。
The plan was a success.
计划取得成功 。
Kate stood guard over Lincoln while he slept.
总统休息,凯特负责保护总统 。
Neither his assassins or the other passengers knew he was on the train.
杀手和其他乘客都未察觉他也在车上 。
Legend has it her watchful eye during that sleepless night is the inspiration for the term private eye.
传说,“私家侦探”(private eye)一词就来源于那个无眠之夜她那双警惕的眼睛 。
American history could have forever been changed, if not for the first female detective, Kate Warne.
如果不是因为凯特·沃恩这位美国第一女侦探,美国的历史或已彻底改写 。